Potential Island pipe clip
4 years ago

If it hasnt already been found by someone else prior, I have just found a way to clip into the green pipe covered with goo without the need of yoshi. This would allow Yoshi to be used for grabbing the shine bird at that moment rather than doing so later. If video proof is needed i do possess it, although it is shot from a camera.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Pays de la Loire, France

We do have a few ways to get into that pipe without Yoshi, but it’s hard to tell if yours is new without at least an explanation of how it’s done

It was done by bringing a banana(or any fruit or any fruit probably) to the pipe. You would run up against the pipe until you could see that some of fludd clipped inside it. You then enter FP and turn until only some of fludd could be seen inside the pipe. You exit FP, then perform a short hop and throw the fruit while holding back on the control stick. If done right you should be pushed through and end up right below the loading zone. From there you simply jump into it.

This is the best I could do. The game was on a projector, sorry about that. https://www.facebook.com/100005916976726/videos/1224443381096216/ And since my email won't let me send it, I'll just give you the link for the video on facebook.

After seeing how it was done, does it replicate any way that was previously known?

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