Emulator on SMO runs?
4 years ago
Madrid, Spain

I know the emulator is still in development and it has some problems, but it has done a lot of advances and you can say it emulates the console fairly correctly and close, so the question, looking to the future aswell, is emulator gonna be completely banned? can it be used until a runs get under certain time?

KilleDragon これを好き
Basque Country

The mods dont like to can be used emulators for the oficial leaderboard, because of the cut-scenes and all of that, the time can be so different. But is true that would be so nice to can be used.

Add a sub-category, no? A leaderboard from oficial release of Nintendo Switch, and another leaderboard from an especific emulator; take the best emulator to run it (a good emulator of the game, that can be used by no-gamer computer, etc.) lol lmao.

Ps: @ItsPedro841 esta bien encontarse de vez en cuanto con más gente española con la que por una vez se puede hablar español a tu rollo y que te entiendan, y no tener que acostumbrarte del todo al ingles, no crees? :) :D jaja XD (we are both spanish lol lmao)

Maryland, USA

If there were to be an emulator threshold it would of worked best at release, and not over 2 years after. I doubt it will be able to recreate the emulation, loads, etc. perfectly. We do not plan on changing our rule on emulators.

mojopug, Pear そして 5 その他 これを好き
Madrid, Spain

Ok, its fair that emu doesnt recreat load time and all that at the moment, it might in the future tho, theres many games that have emu thresholds cuz it emulates them aswell (im sure you know it @Tech ). theres also a lot of games that dont allow emu, so thats fair

ps: @KilleDragon la verdad es que si, cada vez que buscas en un leaderboard, apenas te encuentras españoles. Algun hispano es mas comun, pero españoles bastante poco jaja, suerte con tus runs

KilleDragon これを好き
New Jersey, USA

I think that as long as the emulator runs are kept in a sub category separate to consoles, it would be fine

KilleDragon これを好き
Basque Country

@16bitPanda maybe a men that not have the switch lul lol. But yeah, I dont know, I have switch, so me not xd

So yeah, @Tech is rigth, the "best" emulator can change with the time

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago