3 years ago
Utah, USA

Are switch emulators allowed? I didn't see anything about it in the rules.

United States

If you go to submit a run, you will see under the platforms the message “emulators are banned.”

MinecraftGaming これを好き
Minnesota, USA
She/Her, It/Its
3 years ago

1: Emulators are specifically not allowed 2: The best emulator right now (yuzu) is very very buggy still, is constantly laggy and crashes, with extremely long loads. You wouldn't be able to get a good run regardless of how good you are.


good emulators prolly will not be avaliable for at least 4 or 5 years, at least emulators on the level of sm64 emulators, prolly never as accurate at smb1 emulators


it will prolly take more like 10-15 years tho

better go catch it

Utah, USA

Oh ok, so I guess I'm better off just getting a switch instead of waiting years for a good emulator, which probably won't even be allowed on the leaderboards lol

Styria, Austria


Bain8renn そして Pear これを好き
Delaware, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

emulator runs probably won't even be considered valid for at least another 3 decades