Getting 357 Turn around room
2 months ago

How do high level speedrunners get 357 (Assuming they didn't do start of the level stairs fast accell, and did frame perfect WJ) how do they get 357 without doing a fast accell at the beginning of the room, and without getting pixel perfect turnaround? Is there an specific set-up or inputs?

SuperGamer64 これを好き
United States

The main thing is that you want to do a small jump off the pipe to land as early as possible. Then it's just a matter of not overshooting the perfect pixel by too much

santicop これを好き

Periwinkle is right, though you may want consider the following, and do a lot of practice using the practice ROM by pellsson:

  • Do a short jump from pipe to the platform, don't do it late though because you want to minimise the time you are in the air to gain running speed ASAP. Ideally a one-frame jump on Frame 138 will work (D/5 flashing), but 137 (B/3 flashing) or 136 (A/2 flashing) 2-framers and 135 3-framers (F/7 flashing) also work.

  • Don't jump excessively high during the actual turnaround, the less time you are in the air the more time you can potentially save, but be careful not to jump too low and land on the backlip of the pipe when doing the turnaround jump as it can throw off your slowdown muscle memory.

  • Don't scroll the screen too far, ideally if you get the optimal jump timing at the start you can get 357 with 5 pixels to spare.

  • When trying to get up onto the pipe, land early as you are able to gain a bit of running speed and save a frame.

The original tutorial by Kosmic is still a very good resource for teaching 8-4 turnaround room.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! We'll be happy to answer.

santicop これを好き

Thanks so much! I've been practicing it for a minute and it has given me good results :D, I will practice it more to pull it off more frequently and add it to my smb any% runs and finally get my 4:57! Here's some of my practice (starts at 1:00)

編集者 投稿者 2 months ago
United States

I like speedruning this game but I don't have a good run I'm practicing today but I don't think I can get a good enough run. Good luck with your run if that's what your doing!

United States

I'm doing glitchles runs but sometimes I get the wall jump and the pipe entrance, but it looks like I could never beat you


just watched your video. The main problem I'd say is that you're jumping straight to the middle of the wrong warp instead of landing on the corner. Doing so will allow you to gain more speed before entering the pipe. You should be landing here:

編集者 投稿者 2 months ago

Oh, ok thanks I will try to make it better everytime

I agree with Wolf here that's faster, but also more risky as if you undershoot the pipe you'll have to jump again with no speed and lose time

Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
5 months ago