Just How Much Custom Controls Make a Difference
8 years ago
United States

I wanted to know how much of a difference it made to use a different button to jump rather than A. I was able to conduct such an experiment with this handy tool: https://kohi.net/clicks/ I started writing down the clicks per second I could get with different buttons. 5 Tests for each button and an average at the end of 5 tests.

Using the A button, I managed to get an average of 3.82 CPS Using the L1 button, I managed to get an average of 4.44 CPS Using the R1 button, I managed to get an average of 5.46 CPS Graph: http://i.imgur.com/6mj64K3.png

I would highly suggest you to try out this tool and find which button is best for you.

French Southern Territories

Can you try with a keyboard instead of a controller ?

Waterford, Ireland

Yeah I know without testing that my results are quite vastly different on keyboard, the below are guesses but I've watched my play at slow speeds enough to know that its approximately right. I've only tested wall dash speed though, roof would be a little faster I'm sure due to less inputs.

Default kb controls: 1.75 dashes per second max speed and uncomfortable

z,x left handed: 3 dashes per second max speed, what just about all my play was on.

down, right, right handed: 5 dashes per second max speed, current set up but I'm on a short break from this game. Plan to eventually learn to control this to a consistency that doesn't just annoy me :D


That doesn't sound right, 1.75 dashes per second is insanely slow. With brief testing I could easily reach 4+ dashes a second with any technique.

United States

With a keyboard, it really depends what finger you're using. You can use this this to tell how fast you can press the space bar: http://www.zimm-co.com/PressTheSpaceBar/pressthespacebar2000.html (10 Second and divide score by 10) Just try different fingers/positions and find what works best for you.

Another thing to consider is the type of keyboard you're using. I use a keyboard with very thin keys (about 1/4cm tall). If you use a mechanical keyboard with very tall keys, it might worsen your presses per second.

投稿日 8 months ago
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投稿日 8 months ago
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投稿日 10 months ago
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