new category idea: True 100%
2 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

time starts as usual collect all 120 Stars collect all 2068 coins (enemy coins, box coins, and any coins relating to RNG do not count) touch all signs talk to all entities get all 1up mushrooms no glitches time ends as soon as you talk to yoshi probably sucks not going to lie

HIKARU これを好き
Jeju, South Korea

Wow that possible??? i cant

Basque Country

i dont see why would you not allow glitches for an absolute max% like this (it is even posible glitchless? lol)

Benjams これを好き
Arkansas, USA

I would say, all coins including rng coins, and talk to all signs not just touch them. Also, allow glitches

North Carolina, USA

all cannons should definitely be included since it is a flag that can be checked in the game's memory (much less arbitrary than all signs or all boxes which have no spot in memory)

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