Classic Pack Guide
Classic Pack Guide
更新済み 5 years ago 投稿者: Corsaka

Prison Break Grab the pole underneath the bench. Turn around, click the candle (you need to get close) then grab the key. Return to the bench and click on the blanket until a handle is revealed. Grab the handle, sit on the toilet, and click the closet to add the handle. Then use the key on the closet. Grab that key. Look through the vent and take note of the symbols. Open your cell using the key and enter those symbols into the thing with four squares directly as you enter. When it opens, grab the wirecutters. Then grab the chair, and turn around to grab a screwdriver underneath the bench. Look up from the screwdriver and knock off the cell key with the pole. Unlock the lock on the door, then return to the vent in the first room. Click it twice to place the chair and remove the screws, then enter and click the bit of metal in order to cut the power. Return to the second room and click the door, then walk through to freedom.

Treasure Cave Go over to the four sticks on the wall, and click 2 4 1 3. Turn right and grab the pole that's next to the skeleton, then go round the back of that pillar and pull the lever. Move left to find a sandbag behind the stone cuboid. Then, move over to the statue holding a pole. Flick the lever and grab the bucket behind the chest. Go over to the gem and replace it with the sandbag, then at the right broken pillar, insert the pole and grab the long pole. Return to the statue to grab that pole, and insert it in the left fallen pillar, then flick the lever. Enter the new room that's opened up, and flick the lever in there. Return to the spot under the dragon's head, where nine squares have appeared. Click the top-middle, middle-middle, bottom-left and bottom-right squares, then escape.

I Hate Mondays Enter 2618 and escape.

I Hate Mondays (100%) At the start, enter "coco" as the four-letter code to the boss's office. Don't enter yet. To the left of that newly opened door is a chest of drawers - open the top-right to grab a key. Enter the new room, and open the closet. Grab the bow tie. Take note of the pattern on the painting to the left of the closet. Then, further left, grab the mug. Turn directly around from the mug, and enter the code you saw in the closet. Put the number of red gems in chat (i.e 2R). Return to the first room, grab the stapler, and click the button on the painting: it's just above the right spire of the castle. Go straight forward and note the number of green gems. Turn left and enter the code you saw on the previous painting into this 9-square code. Grab the key that appears and note the yellow gems. Return to the boss's office and open the bottom drawer on the right. Take note of the blue gems. Return to the first room, place the stapler, mug, and bow tie onto the desk as shown in the painting, then read the note that follows. Finally, enter the code that you got from all of the gems, and escape.

This may be changed if Treasure Cave is randomized.

Rule about Picking up items.

Hello! For everyone wondering, I'll be removing the rule of no picking up items for any future runs, If you submit it a run with picking up items before the timer starts It'll be considered a no glitch run.

1 year ago
投稿日 9 months ago
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