Regarding Music over runs.
7 years ago

Well I'm done here. Last thing I'll say is rules are rules.

Alberta, Canada

What in the actual fuck is happening in here?

When you show up to a foot race and the course is marked out with cones, you don't get to argue with the organizers to customize the route to your preference. They also won't make an entirely separate race just because you don't like what they have planned out. If you don't like the route or the rules of the race, you don't get to participate. Security would have had you removed by now, actually. You can run all you want, but you'd be banned from that particular race.

The mods here are the race organizers, in case that analogy is too confusing. They make the rules. If you don't like them, go run somewhere else.

C88_Enigmatic, s1a1n1d1i そして 2 その他 これを好き
United Kingdom

As I said, if you actually read my posts jigfio, I wouldn't have to reexplain this for the 20th time.

If you submit a WR run for ANY Resident Evil that has incoherent audio or muted audio it will be rejected. It not being in the rules doesn't change that. Needing both the video and audio for RE speedruns has been a thing since back when RE speedrunning first began.

I've ran RE1, 2, 3, CVX, RE1 DS, Outbreak, REmaster, RE0. Zenix mods 5 and 6 and I'm sure he will tell you the same thing. In every single one a totally muted/partially muted submission is an instant rejection. Music covering the game audio from being identified correctly is also a reject. It's common sense so doesn't need to be in the rules. I have explained why it was in the rules for RE7, go back and read my posts because this is the last time I will explain this particular point.

The last thing I'll say is if you want to listen to music whilst recording, go back to page 1 and follow the steps in AltriaAvalon's post which will enable you to do so. If you want your stream to listen to your music, do the same thing except local record using the same setup in AltriaAvalon's post that does not contain the music and submit that version. His post is the most valuable post in this entire thread, and it hasn't been acknowledged so far.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
s1a1n1d1i, mackmcd そして 2 その他 これを好き
Mazowieckie, Poland

[quote]Qvaku you too art you should end up in a museum so you're cute. Go stopping talking to the idiot its risking to instruct you[/quote]

I'm talking to an idiot right now :D At least try to form your post in understable way. I can't understand half of your rubbish sentences. We don't give a fuck about your audience, You can entertain them with antyhing you want, but the run must be submitted without music. SIMPLE. Stream what you want, provide us with clean run. No problem on console here, you just need to dig some info how to separete audio.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Alsace, France

Fury you can run as many games as you want I'm fighting the peanuts, you speak to me of audible audio, audible do not mean without music, do not make me listen to all the run and put all the run of All the Re where there is music in the background without its gene for as much verification On the other hand Furry yes you think I did not read! In which language should I tell you that the Tutorial of Alrion does not work on console and that is impossible for us ?! How can I tell? C is imposible, IMPOSSIBLE! IMPOSSIBLE YOUHOUUUUUU fucking! C is not complicated to understand if? You punish people who are too strong music is one thing but stop rotting life to people who do not ask anything <

Konradgavin これを好き

My god is this still going

United Kingdom

Alright, now I'm getting tired of this and I'm about to lock this thread and delete any further threads arguing the point if this continues because it's getting tiring.

The rule is now the rule, set by us, the mods. Rules are based on a game-by-game basis, got it? There are some games on this fucking website that have ridiculous rules like "the game must be streamed" and then theres games that literally don't care, I saw a run for a game once that was a NON-SEGMENTED run that they approved as world record in a playlist of 36 parts, 30 fucking 6 parts.

Regardless of if we allow music or not in other games, you know what would've happened in an RE2,3,4,5,6 dead aim, fucking gun survivor even if the game was muted or it had absolutely blaring music? It wouldn't have been a case of "oh but the rules dont say you can't have music" the mod would reject it and literally just be like "you serious?" there is a line of literal stupidity that some people can cross.

When we said "dont drown out the game audio" that line is way too skewed for my liking. Personally? I understood the rule, but some people didn't. Because sorry to present the harsh truth; people in majority are idiotic, and so blaring music they will literally try to justify it like "well I can still hear the game audio". If I have to blare my speakers to hear the gameplay audio over somebody blasting For whom the bell tolls so loud I'm worried my mug might shatter, you know what that run can do? Get majorly rejected.

If you don't crack down on it now and just say no music, there are little nitpicky shits out there that would literally start to argue decibels. "Oh but I set my music to two decibels quieter than my game audio, I did it in my mixer you can check". You may think that's stupid, and nobody would do that well let me tell you in the history of RE speedrunning and speedrunning in general crazier shit has happened. Most of you have either started with RE7 or resurfaced with it; well let me tell you, most of us can see issues coming a mile away when youve been around a while. This is not biased toward newer people, I'm just saying it's not as easy to understand where we're coming from if this is your first rodeo, because it seems like the mods are just being assholes.

We are a front page game now. We are not some 10 player game, we are front. page. We have hundreds of players and probably even more viewers. You know what a game like that that gets nearly 50 submissions or so every couple of days needs? Regulation. If somebody proof call or points out something in a high ranking run, we need to have every single base covered for being able to prove or debunk the run. Audio is SO key in a run like RE7, it's long and theres a lot of audio going on even if it's not during game time.

At the end of the day, we're now a big popular game, we need regulation and we need support. We do NOT need our runners calling us Nazis for trying to improve how to moderate the game. You may not like a rule 100% well guess what, you're not having to mod the game. If we let majority vote have the say on rules for this game, we'd have a fuckton of people saying "well i dont think we need video or end IGT, you should just trust me" Oh look, because we're a voting democracy we now have a new record every day being beaten by 1 second with no video proof, let alone audio!

We put in our own time to verify your runs, we are not paid, we do not get enjoyment from making rules to annoy people, we do it to keep the leaderboards clean and manage the game that you guys love to run so much. If a few people disagree with me and some of the other mods and dislike us, guess what it really doesn't affect me, or any of the other mods either for that matter.

So basically guys, if you want to voice your opinions and talk NICELY. Do so. The people who throw their toys out of their pram and start screaming unreadable shit like "C is imposible, IMPOSSIBLE! IMPOSSIBLE YOUHOUUUUUU fucking! C is not complicated to understand if?" whatever that is, or just being angry toward not just other runners, but mods; will have their post deleted, then you can't even talk nicely, I'll be sitting you on the naughty step until you apologize and learn your manners. Be friendly, be civil, be adults, talk properly, make a point and don't lose your shit or we'll lock all threads talking about this and just tell you whats what, would everyone prefer that?

Dojibiron, mackmcd そして 5 その他 これを好き

Dawg @jigfio can you motherfucking COMPREHEND that the main reason we don't want the music drowning the game audio it's because chances are the audio is gonna get muted and that means no game audio at all? Stop with your shitty derailing and dumb excuses to not understand our point.

This is not drama anymore, it's just dumb. You're just trying to stay "relevant" with your empty complaints.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Dojibiron, qvaku そして 2 その他 これを好き

jigfio your posts are completely incomprehensible gibberish

whatever point you might be making is lost in a sea of angry YOUHOUHOU

s1a1n1d1i, XTerminator, そして Roo これを好き
United Kingdom

Jigfio, I run games on console too. I can still do it. It's not impossible, and I don't understand where you're coming from with that.

It's not our problem if you don't own a capture card, just like it's not our problem if someone's stream dies and they lose 5 mins of footage and still wish to submit their run. Technical issues or capabilities on your end are not our concern.

(There are people that run RE, that I know, that do not own either a capture card and cannot possibly stream because their internet isn't good enough to do so. Should we also make way for them, and let them submit without any video whatsoever? Point being, what you personally cannot do either on a technical level or on a monetary level is not going to affect the board.)

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
jazz232006 そして Roo これを好き
Bosnia and Herzegovina

idk why mods even respond to people like this,all i see are posts on this thread of people bitching about the no music over the game,but if it would be them that need to check the video out they would say the same thing no music but because its not them and someone else is doing it they dont care,you dont come in someones house and tell them how they should do things simple as that,if you dont like it dont submit your runs on here

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
J_Dolan これを好き
United States

Is YOUHOU related to Touhou? OpieOP

New York, USA

I stream from my X1 and always keep my BGM to 0. Does this mean my runs r not to be accepted anymore or does it just cover those streamers who have music playing over the game itself? Kinda confused since I prefer no BGM when running this game. Sorry if this was asked already...couldnt find answer. My bad.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
ffleret これを好き

I'm pretty sure it's fine just as long as the game sounds can be heard.

Minnesota, USA

how the fuck did this get to 5 pages?

s1a1n1d1i これを好き