Hey all. Turns out you can use lower case letters and numbers in this version when naming characters. These in turn allow us to get the Neishield and Neiemel from "tu". This would mean the defense manipulation for Amy could be reduced to a single step given the current route, but leave us without the storm gear. Could be worth a closer look.
Interesting. And here I thought the gba version might be faster, but this is worth looking into. If those two are gotten with t and u, what other items can be gotten I wonder.
I may have to spend the couple of bucks and get that version. I'm kinda getting tired of focusing on the new ps4 strats. Good to see you're still around. Everyone thought you fell off the earth.
As usual, rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. I played around with the trial version for a bit, which I think gives you 15 minutes since it kicked me out as I was finishing the red dam, and found it did exactly as I said - allowing us to skip the last 3 defense manipulations. Since the Neislasher is the first item we get, virtually nothing changes - just less work. However, naming characters takes you outside of the game for a sec to use the special input they have that allows you to use lower case letters which costs a tiny bit of time. In addition, I took the time to figure out how to grab the Storm Gear immediately after the Neislasher manipulation, and its as simple as equipping Rudo's boots and unequipping the fibergear and Neicape.
Its pretty much a free time save over the original version, but you have to contend with the awful Xbox controller pad which is a definite negative. As far as other items that can be gotten from lowercase/numerals, the list isnt too great - just check the item value list. Its honestly a shame that the storm gear seems to line up with punctuation and not an actual number or letter - would make things even faster for storm gear enthusiasts like myself.