Any% - Werster - August 10th 2015
Any% - Werster - August 10th 2015
更新済み 7 years ago 投稿者: werster

Pingu Notes Mash B for text to skip completely, hit A to intiate a game.

Day 1!! Go right for some fish. Dad gets mad, but he's got a net! Go left until seal, press A to start game Go fishing. Get 100 fishy points (don't go for seal) | Go right just a little bit, and get the deep fish. Get the second one near the top, and a 20 should come around middle-bottom straiight after (no manip after that) Day 2!! Play some music, then head off to platformer. Go to the right and up on 2nd and 3rd stage. Day 3!! Kick a ball, break a vase. Go get a new one! (left) then talk to dudes with fish and play ice hockey? Stage 1: Move forward to the edge of the circle, and jut stand there. They'll hit it into you, you'll fall over and score Stage 2: Move straight forward and not not swing (get knocked over), he will too, and leave you an open shot from just below (aim up or down, down is slightly easier) Alt: Move forward to edge of circle, move up and swing, then move back down and swing. Stage 3: Move forward to the centre, then move up and forward and swing Back to vase place (right) then back home (right) Day 4!! Move left and get scolded by your dad ;; Go right, and get hit by Snowball (A) | [Remember B can be used for left handed shots] Stage 1: Try max shot first Stage 2: Try middle shot (Right) first, then back then last mid Stage 3: Move a bit to the right and try middle first. Cutscene back home to dad, can't skip this text (so hold A, press when it ends 4 3 2) Final split at fadeout to black
