Does anyone know the name of the gun that increases your speed
3 years ago

It doesn't exist.

There used to be a bug with Vulcan Minigun that made you run faster with short barrel mod, but it's been patched long time ago. Like 5 years ago with update 83.

nasuper これを好き

not sure what you mean with gun that increases speed, it could be the minigun glitch mentioned above, but you maybe mean the judge shotguns with HE rounds to lower your health and break your armor to get the yakuza boosts and second wind boosts

Otgaming12 これを好き

sliskiepalce is still here. QQ you did great runs some years ago - i watched them all, some time ago! and i was thinking on this minigun bug too that gives you 20% more speed (if i remember right) by equip 2 mods back then.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Saskatchewan, Canada

Thank you roseyoshino

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