NG+ File
2 years ago
Ohio, USA

Heya! I was wondering if anyone has a master save file for NG+ runs. This game is a hell of a grind and I’d rather just get into the speedruns lol.

Also I was curious if anyone has inquired to a load remover for PC. If not I’d be curious to ask around. Thanks!


There is no Load Remover for the PC version of the run as for ng+ save on PC its less of a hassle to make one as you can use Cheat engine with a Cheat table to edit everything you need.

There is also the case that you can not transfer saves around in Strikers as in the saves are your steam id saved so you wont be able to load a save of a different steam id in it. if you have a master switch or PS4 version there is a tool to convert those to pc but no tool for pc to pc

the Converter from Console to PC you can find here -

VeloPls これを好き
United States

If you're running PC, I have a Lucifer fusion loop that you can use to help quickly get that Persona to 99 all stats, and you can stem off of that loop for whatever other Personas you wish to have:

Lucifer's Morning Star is the only Persona exclusive that you'll need anyway (Unless you're running Merciless, in which case you'll need Alice's Die For Me!)

Written document below for the loop too that you can do:

投稿日 3 months ago
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投稿日 2 years ago
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投稿日 2 years ago
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