idea for any% peaceful
8 months ago

instead of leaving the seed field blank could we possible use a random number generator encompassing all of minecraft's seeds?

Zanum これを好き
Chicago, IL, USA


Zanum これを好き

How does that differ from using the built in random number generator that creates the seeds in minecraft?

Zanum これを好き

it's the same but way more cheatable

Zanum これを好き

@WillyBYT minecraft dose not use every seed posible, e.g. 12 eye portals, and @EllaTAS not really its 2 goddamn lines of code

Zanum そして PykedLive これを好き
Basque Country

@Altois EllaTAS's point is probably that, precisely for how simple it is, it could be quite easy to somehow show up a wanted seed that you prepared for and sneak it as if it was for the random

Kalaphant そして Zanum これを好き
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
He/Him, They/Them
8 months ago

lets be real. this will just make each run using the generator harder to verify, and theres no reason to add this. it is so much faster to just leave the seed blank. also, most of the top runs will probably be faked using photoshop/inspect element

Zanum これを好き

@moonis i understand this, and whilst it would be faster, i dont think you understand, not every minecraft seed can be generated by leaving the seed box blank, e.g. 12 eye portals, thats why i think this is only a decent idea for any% rsg peaceful

Zanum これを好き

it doesn't matter, you're never gonna get one of those seeds within a human second century anway (meaning that all humans (10 B people) roll a seed every second for a century)

Kalaphant そして Zanum これを好き

@EllaTAS that is true, but with faster programs, that possibly detect a 12 eye seed can speed up the proscess

Zanum これを好き

that's just not SSG

Zanum これを好き

i mean only telling you a seed that has 12 eyes, it would still roll thru every seed, but very fast, until it found a 12 eye, after which it will tell, and its not ssg because you would only theoretically be able to roll the seed once

Zanum これを好き
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
He/Him, They/Them
8 months ago

Coding something like that would be pretty hard, plus you still need to find the end portal, and with around 128 strongholds in a world, it would take a really long time to even get to the 12-eye end portal, which would make this category luck based, rather than skill based. Plus, like I said, most of the top runs will likely be cheated, using photoshop or something like that.

Zanum これを好き

@moonis thats what rsg is

Zanum これを好き
He/Him, They/Them
8 months ago

@Altois not really tho

Zanum これを好き

You can naturally generate 12 eye seeds (Yes I know not all seeds can be generated) hence I don't really see what the point of this is (the probability of getting a 12 eye seed is the same).

Instead it should be randomly pick a seed from a list of all 12 eye seeds.

編集者 投稿者 8 months ago
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
He/Him, They/Them
8 months ago

@5BlockNeo that was the idea of this forum

MooFox これを好き

@Moonis literally everything u and the op said is not what I said lol. OP said all minecraft seeds, then you and OP both said/hinted at using a program/seed checker to speed up the process. I am saying literally have a list of 12 eye seeds. This would not take a long time (it would take O(1) computation) and would not be hard to code at all as you also said (as long as you have the 12 eye list already which from my knowledge do exist).

Kalaphant これを好き

I think the idea OP is trying to get at is FSG with a seed bank of every 12-eye seed (including non-randomly generatable ones). This would be around 10 million seeds and you could play "RSG" Peaceful with them. The issue is you wouldn't be able to find the strongholds... you'd have to find an ocean-exposed stronghold and hope it's the one out of the first ring that's filled in. RSG Peaceful 1.9+ just isn't possible without a potential future update.

Kalaphant そして Nolancube これを好き
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
He/Him, They/Them
7 months ago

thats literaly what i said

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  • (1.15.2-1.16.5) Sodium 1.2.2, 2.1.1, Mac 3.1.2: fixes a game freeze and also a co-op specific game freeze.

  • (1.14.4-1.17.1) World Preview 5.0.1: fixes a spawner related crash and ports newer features to MC 1.16.5 and 1.17.1.

  • (1.19+) Planifolia 1.0.2: fixes

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