Fast Exits
Fast Exits
更新済み 4 years ago 投稿者: astr0

Here's a rundown for 1964 events: Judo: exit on "Ippon!" 10m Platform: exit when the black score box shows up after the final dive 100m: exit once finish line is crossed 400m Hurdles: exit once finish line is crossed Vault: exit once score appears after the second jump Volleyball: exit once the score reaches 6 Shooting: exit when you and the other AI's scores show up on "Final Round" after completing all the previous rounds Kayak: exit once finish line is crossed Long Jump: exit when it says "foul" on the third jump or after the score shows on the third jump Marathon: exit once finish line is crossed (if you do events in the order all the other runners do it this should be your last event so timing ends once you cross the finish line)

Dream Events: Dream Racing: exit on "finish" Dream Shooting: same thing Dream Karate: same thing

Ok 2020 event was requested so here they are. 100m: exit on "finish" 110m Hurdles: same as 100m 4x100m: same as 100m Javelin: once "foul" appears on last throw or when "finish" appears on last throw (depends if you throw or not) Triple Jump: once the screen fades to black and then changes to your character standing next to the sand you can exit Discus Throw: same as Javelin Sport Climbing: exit on "time's up" Surfing: same as sport climbing Skateboarding: exit on "finish" Boxing: exit when "K.O" appears Karate: exit once final hit lands and the slow motion starts Football: same as sport climbing Equestrian: same as 100m Gymnastics: exit after landing final trick (after last input) Swimming: same as 100m Canoe: same as 100m Rugby Sevens: exit on "full time" Badminton: exit when the scoreboard appears on the centre when it turns to 5 (it doesn't have to actually say 5 it just has to be when it is going to switch to 5) Table Tennis: Same as badminton Fencing: same as karate Archery: same as skateboarding

If finishing a run on any of these events just replace exit with timer split note: if doing a gold medals run you do not exit early but rather go through the ceremony cut scene

投稿日 10 months ago
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投稿日 1 year ago
投稿日 2 years ago
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