更新済み 2 years ago 投稿者: Amesiyo





It is prohibited to use a 4:3 monitor for measurement, or to change the resolution of a 16:9 monitor to 4:3 by reducing the resolution of the monitor itself. Please be sure to use 16:9 resolution for all measurements, regardless of the environment.

Originally, there was no one who was measuring in 4:3, so there were no strict rules and it was decided that measuring on monitors other than 16:9 was acceptable. However, as a result of this discussion, it was decided that it would be healthier to measure everyone in 16:9 under the same conditions than to allow it halfway.

We have already verified that the times are faster when measured in 4:3, and since there is no setting to change the resolution in the game itself, we do not like the situation where we have to go to the trouble of changing the resolution in the PC settings or installing such software when running the game, as it raises the bar for RTAs.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.