Is there any chance of becoming a moderator?
4 years ago

I've always really liked this game, and I'd like to help out with speedrunning.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc, そして WiiSuper これを好き
Chicago, IL, USA

Well you have to have runs on the boards, be active in the community and show you can handle the job. This community is big and someone we don’t know randomly asking for mod is a no. I like your enthusiasm but the mod team is big enough already and we done really know you but I’m encouraging you to start being an active member of the community. We don’t really just give free mod handouts to anyone.

編集者 Zacc 1 year ago
AnAnonymousSource, Zacc そして 4 その他 これを好き

Alright then.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc, そして WiiSuper これを好き
Keski-Suomi, Finland

Also I want to add that in it's core being a moderator isn't all that fun as you have to mostly just retime runs that are being submitted down to the millisecond and sometimes argue with people about rules. It's only for people who really want to see the game and it's leaderboard grow and be the best possible version of itself.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc そして 2 その他 これを好き
United States

yeah if you wnat to help with the speedrun u should just speedrun the game

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc そして 4 その他 これを好き
Ayr, Scotland
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

and non-mods can call out fake runs if they see them anyway, so you can help by doing that if you spot one

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc そして 4 その他 これを好き
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