Strategies for PBs (aka glitch compilation)
Strategies for PBs (aka glitch compilation)
更新済み 3 years ago 投稿者: Rexcanyon792

Quick Shotgun - Gathering at least 11 coins in Kirby's Not So Dreamland to buy the shotgun in the second shop. It is also possible to get two extra coins by going a slightly lower path on the way to the second shop, allowing you to get 9 coins or possibly less by killing the Waddle Dees on that same path.

Shop Warp - By entering the shop at the beginning of The Legend of Kirby and exiting it, you warp to the other side of the map, allowing you to obtain the key to Ganon faster.

Boss Skip/Ganon Skip - By dying to some bosses, the portal to the next level will spawn, because the boss immediately despawns. Due to the fact that Kirby does not disappear upon death, dying on top of where the portal will spawn in some boss battles will send you to the next level, skipping the need to defeat the boss. The strategy works on Ganon, Death, King K Rool, and Tank Head. (possibly Vile, but it has not been tested.)

Kirbyvania Wall Vault - It is possible to jump over a wall in Kirbyvania, allowing you to skip a small segment of the level.

Sakurai Infinite Jump - During the Sakurai Boss Fight, by hugging the right wall and spamming jump, it is possible to infinitely jump, allowing for an easier boss fight, although it may not be faster.
