ツール: Polish Records for TSK and TPR Campaigns (from knights.sztab.com)
Polish Records for TSK and TPR Campaigns (from knights.sztab.com)
更新済み 12 years ago 投稿者: cmowla

Just scroll down the PDF to find the record times. Note that for many of the missions, each contestant has 2 times. The time in bold font is the time achieved using the initial army only, but the other time may have simply been training troops with given armor and weapons (like TSK 05, for example). Here is a screen-shot of a part of that thread from Google Translate which describes what the formatting of the times (bold, red, etc.) mean: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wws0jESUi19AbfYM-rtz554LkOfpWQez/view?usp=sharing