2 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Hey guys! I'm an indie developer and I'm running a small contest for my game. RD Mars is a top-down shooter with a focus on it's parry mechanics, and I want to see who can beat it the fastest. For the month of February, whoever has the best time will get 10 steam keys of the game to share among their friends or audience. In addition they'll also be immortalized through an easter egg in the game's second level!

Here's the announcement of the contest on my twitter.

And here is the steam page for the game if you want to compete. It's only 5 bucks, but if money is an issue you can send me a DM. As long as you can somehow prove you speedrun I wouldn't mind giving you access to the game so you can compete. :)

Happy speedrunning! DM all times to my twitter.

P.S- Even if you don't win the competition, if you record your playthrough you'll be added into my streamer highlight videos for the game. It's another way for you to get noticed, and for me to give back to the people that help RD Mars.

Naegi, Amaz, そして Wrap これを好き

This sounds very interesting!

Naegi そして Amaz これを好き