Embedding speedrun.com leaderboards onto other sites
5 years ago
Michigan, USA

So I'm not sure if this has been brought up by anyone in the past, but I'm working on an external website for my speedgame. I'd like to have the leaderboards from speedrun.com show up on that site. I don't just want to provide a link to the leaderboards.

The site uses HTML. I've figured out how to embed YouTube videos (very easy). Is there a way to embed the leaderboards?

Thanks in advance.

United States

If you are savvy enough, you can potentially use src's api (as found here: https://github.com/speedruncomorg/api) to programmatically populate the contents of your site with the content of the leaderboard. This is obviously much more involved than embedding a YouTube video, but as far as I can tell, there is currently no feature to embed leaderboards in the way you desire.

ShikenNuggets これを好き

You could use an iframe and display the leaderboards like that, the only problem with this is that the navbar is displayed (if thats even a problem). Maybe you could change it somehow via JS? Not sure tho

6oliath これを好き

Came to suggest iframes. Good luck!