Request leaderboard moderation (Read the first post before posting!)
4 years ago
United States

Thanks for letting me know. I have updated my profile with the social media accounts. Let me know if you need anything else from me.

Lorraine, France

Hello. Can I please be added as a moderator for Troll Tale ? ( ) Current moderator doesn't respond to my messages, and has been offline for over a year now. Thanks


@Dangerless, the mod for the series, is the same mod for the other three games in the series, he has been inactive and I can't contact him? If he is the sole mod for the series and the other games, and he's inactive. How is that not warranted?

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Iowa, USA

@JustAComicBookNerd Because becoming series mod doesn't let you become mod on those games, if he is inactive on the other boards and they have no other mod on them that are active then you can request here to become mod of those on here. Series mod itself otherwise has no barring and we are trying to only give it when its necessary, for this series case it isn't, nearly all the games are already added and it doesn't appear that they are making these games any longer but if this ever changes we wouldn't mind changing our minds.

Note: One of the games in the series were added with no runs on the board, we also do not approve of series mods adding games for the sake of it because it snipes others out of requesting the game who may be active and provide runs for it. Not everyone is aware they can request moderator status for a game.

So in short, I've taken a look I have no issue if you want to become mod on these games but we are still going to ask you to provide a run for said games in question so we aren't just freely giving out moderator status on these games. If you have a run please provide that here and I'll add you to these games but series mod as I mentioned is out of the question and I have no issue at least removing the current series mod.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Iowa, USA

@knight Need to wait 21 days, HowDenKing is taking a "time out" until end of the week due to a situation I won't get into here.

Iowa, USA

@Mumu_Didi Sorry I overlooked your request, I've added you to the game.

Lorraine, France

Thanks !

New York, USA

I'm requesting that I be added to the moderator list for Mega Man X. There are at least three runs that were submitted two or more months ago that have yet to be verified/rejected, my own included. In addition, there are a number of inconsistencies between the SR board and the MMLB board that could be dealt with (missing runs, mistimed runs, mislabeled runs, etc.). My personal attempts to alert the five current moderators of these issues via Discord and Twitch have been unsuccessful, as well as an unsuccessful attempt by three runners to reach out via the game's forum ( ). Special circumstances not withstanding, the Mega Man X board is being neglected and I'd like to put an end to that if possible.

Czech Republic

Hello, I would like to become a moderator for . There's only one mod that was last online about 7 months ago and his last run was uploaded 1 year ago. I tried to contact him via gmail and got no response even with multiple submitted world record runs.

Washington, USA

Hello, I'm requesting to be added to the Labyrinth (Famicom) leaderboard at The current mod hasn't logged in to the site for 1 month. I tried contacting the current mod via social media links supplied but they are no longer valid. I have a run pending verification. Thank you for your consideration.

Calabria, Italy

Hi, I'm the moderator for the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. Since it was added before it and the other games I moderate, I asked the mods from this game if they could add me as one: Problem is, there are no Super Mods in there, so nobody could do anything. Someone also mentioned how series moderators can add themselves to the games... but I couldn't find anything about it.

Iowa, USA

@ciccioDM I pushed @butterfinger1084 to super mod, contact them further.

Texas, USA

I submitted a Catwoman run a month ago and the moderator has not approved/rejected my run... What do I do?!?!?!

He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

This is a kinda complicated story, so I'm gonna try to explain it as best I can.

Over 1 month ago, I submitted a run for the game Roblox: Time Travel Obby. There were 2 mods for the game at the time, OverworldYT (roblox series mod) and blackbird3333. After 3 weeks, I said something about it in the ROBLOX Speedrunning discord server, and one of the discord mods said they would look into contacting blackbird. After a while, they told me that blackbird had forgotten about the site as a whole and doesn't care to mod anymore. I brought this up with the series moderator, and they said it was fine and they would verify the run themselves. Fast forward 2 weeks, they still haven't. I message them again, saying how ridiculous it is that it's been over a month and the run still hasn't been verified even though you said you would do it. I ask for mod status of the game, and after telling him that he is a super mod and blackbird isn't, he says "was i overthinking this the entire time" and doesn't say another word for 2 days. I message him once more and he says "i just have alot on me right now" which is understandable, but it really isn't an excuse for such a trivial task as modding one person in one game. He's an active series mod as far as I know and doesn't seem like a terrible guy. I just think this behavior in specific is unacceptable, from a normal moderator much less a series mod. I can send screenshots and provide any extra info if necessary, my discord is Trivial#4958

dripping これを好き
California, USA

@its_all4u_DiaperBaby contact the mod of that game - they were active a month ago, so try contacting them through discord, youtube, twitter, etc. You can find this on their profile under "Info."

its_all4u_DiaperBaby これを好き
Tulsa, OK, USA

Hello. Can I please be added as a moderator for We Ski & Snowboard? ( https:/​/​www.​speedrun.​com/​we_ski_and_snowboard ) Current moderator is inactive and I attempted to contact him on another site but he has not responded to my message. It is a relatively dead game but I'm hoping to change that as soon as I can

Texas, USA

Thank you, @goadiroth!!!

dripping これを好き
Arkansas, USA

Hello. I would like to request moderation for the Gundam Versus leaderboards, here

The two moderators there have not been active in over a year, and one of them has no visible contact information. The other doesn't seem to have logged onto their social media for quite some time as well, though I have shot them a message, just in case.

I have one run pending, and intend to submit more in the near future. My account is under 30 days old, however, and I understand if that would disqualify me from moderation there.

Iowa, USA

@zir0nic To be completely honest and you need to understand for him, he handles nearly all the ROBLOX game requests and I can't imagine how many of those he also personally handles himself per leaderboard moderation as well. It also has only been around two weeks, people do have lives and are busy no one should ever have to literally verify a run as soon as possible just because someone is demanding it the guy has at least been communicating with you. I do agree that blackbird should be removed for not only having any contact methods but being inactive. What I will do for you however is if nothing has changed next weekend I will manually add you as verifier to the game and reach out to series mod about future games, so for now have some patience.

@GriffinRupe No, you literally submitted your run today and he literally verified a run yesterday, while he has no contacts you should at least make the effort to post under the game forum of the game.

@Frei We appreciate your honesty, however as you seem to be aware your account is still very new and at this time we are going to wait preferably a week to verify your activity on the site. We may make a special case here, post here again when your account reaches the seven day mark.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Frei これを好き
Tulsa, OK, USA

@Dangerless I sent the current mod a message over Instagram, despite him not listing it in his account here. Actually, he has no social media linked up to his account on here, so it made it difficult to find him. The only reason he became active again is because I sent him a DM asking him to add me as a mod on the game. He never responded to me but he went ahead and confirmed a run from two months ago. I understand that he is technically considered active but he left a run just sitting in purgatory for two months until I showed interest in becoming a mod. Am I supposed to just wait until the next 21 days are up so I can call him inactive again?

Also don't you have to have at least two forms of communication attached to your profile for you to become a mod for a game? If that is the case then he doesn't meet the requirements and should be removed anyway right? (sorry if this comes off as mean, I genuinely don't mean it that way, I just want to play video game) Thanks, :D