Looking for help with a project about MMORPGs
1 year ago

Hi there!! I am a PhD student at the University of Barcelona looking for participants for a research project about virtual identity. To summarize, we are studying how different people create different types of characters in MMORPGs, and how these relate to their personal identity.

We are looking for MMORPG players who are interested in participating by completing a brief survey and answering some questions in a follow-up online interview. If you have any inquiries regarding the study, I will be more than happy to explain.

If you are interested in participating, you can start by completing the survey here: https://ubpsychology.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cSlw8tHptYaxoIl

Comrade_S, Encripted そして 2 その他 これを好き
United States

Sounds like a cool project. Good luck finding people!

Encripted そして Viridean これを好き
Somerset, England

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Gaming_64 これを好き
United States


Encripted これを好き
Somerset, England

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CyanWes そして Gaming_64 これを好き
United States
