Help (Project64 1.6 resolution for SM64)
3 years ago
Picardie, France

Hello (i'm french sorry for my english), i have a problem, i saw that Project64 2.3 is banned for speedrunning so i switched to Project64 1.6 but when i click fullscreen, the game is displayed on all the screen and not in 4/3 with the black things on the sides (like on Project64 2.3), i searched for 2 hours and I haven't find any solutions... Hope some of you can help me to find a solution...



I use 1.7 myself, so I'm not sure it's the same....

Seems Options > Graphics Configuration > Changing Full Screen Resolution And I believe 640x480 16-Bit would be resolution you are looking for; I think that's N64 native resolution, but not 100% on that.

EDIT: Nope, I ran into the same issue. Seems like you have to set up the appropriate resolution on the computer first so that aspect ratio is the same, but I do not know.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Florida, USA

That's one problem with 1.6, and there's no real way to fix it outside of using a 4:3 monitor. Generally, I just run project64 in windowed mode, not in fullscreen.

In the future though, if you have a game specific question like this, you should ask it in the specific game's forums, not the general forums.