"so close!!!" - the best NEARLY moments which made you cry
8 years ago
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Hey guys! I'm not sure if such a thread already exists, if yes this one may be closed, I guess? So I experienced a very punishing situation yesterday. I did a run of Digimon World 3 and after 7.5 hours of gaming I only needed one hit on Galacticmon and I would have had world record by around ten seconds. Unfortunately the attack got blocked - no WR. after that he even killed kotemon and outspeeded my patamon - run dead, not even a PB.. This nearly brought me to tears.

So guys now I want to watch your saddest moments in your speedrunning career. You slipped off PB or WR by a few seconds? Lost a freaking damn long run to RNG? You lost a run because your cat scratched you in the eyeball? Pls share your personal speedrun moments which made you almost cry. :)

If someone would like to watch, here is the highlight of what I described above:

California, USA

I'm sure Pokemon runners can relate

United States

On my PB/WR run of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, I had a moment in Mission 11 that nearly killed an incredible run. You have to have at least 10 Harriers (jets) to destroy the enemy Nuke Silo, and on my way to take it out 2 of 11 got shot down. It still pulled through when one of the Harriers kamikaze'd the silo, doing just enough damage to still destroy it. It was so beautiful.

Here's the run I'm referring to: http://www.speedrun.com/run/8m7wx29z

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Basically everytime when you're on PB pace and a stupid af skip ruins everything haha.

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

I was running 100% YHTWTG. In the game, there is a collectible on the loss screen, so you need to intentionally lose, lose all your power-ups, and then go back and get them again to win the game. I was safely on PB (and I guess WR) pace when I accidentally lost the game without picking up the collectible.

South Carolina, USA

I lost a solid run once due to my cat jumping on my keyboard. I have never been so tilted in my life haha

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Sly 1, Bentley skip. It's a trick to skip a whole level. The Bentley skip is in one of the last levels, unfortunately this skip is incredibly dangerous and rng based. If you fail it, you lose your whole perfect run. I'm afraid of that one. Really afraid. Many runs were killed at this point, RIP.

Ontario, Canada

I've lost two Crash 1 Any% runs that were on really good pace to a jump you have to do around this one enemy on the last main level. It makes me want to die inside everytime. I've since gotten around the time that those runs would have gotten, but goddamn. It is heartbreaking.

United States

I've always questioned why people:

A ) Do several hour long runs. Do you honestly have no life?

B ) Speedrun JRPG Games. These games are full of RNG and broken dreams.

3D Platformer Master Race


A ) Speedrunning is a lifestyle's choice, which game we run is up to each speedrunner, with the pros and cons it implies.

B ) Games with full RNG can give cancer to some runners, but some others are very passionated to them, because of the challenge they offer. Some WR or awesome runs are only done when planets are aligned, And they're OK with that. Once again, it's up to each speedrunner.

C ) What are these questions doing here ? I can see a little connection between your question B and the topic, but that's all.

Hdot12 そして ROMaster2 これを好き
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany


What actually makes you assume that you have even slightly more of a life then us who do long runs? It's just a matter of how much time you sacrifice for your leisure activity - which is speedrunning. Doing a 8 hour run isn't that hard if you have some kind of plan. Also short categories can easily add up to an 8 hour session if you need to reset a lot, it's just that your timer doesn't show your total playtime.

I'd never accuse any speedrunner of having no life, bc I myself am one of these. You did runs too, so please stop being mean to the community you are part of because it doesn't makes sense at all.

Tigame, Stixsr, そして xDrHellx これを好き
United States

Why are you defending your bad life choices? Why do people always feel the need to do this? Why can't they look at what they are doing rationally instead of trying to justify it? I'm not really surprised though. People always do this as a defense mechanism. Smokers and Alcoholics do the exact same thing. Nobody wants to feel like they're doing the wrong thing. It's a terrible feeling.

South Carolina, USA

If you insult people, they defend themselves. It's basic human reaction.

I think what Hdot is saying, is that you don't really have the authority to determine whether someone's life choices are bad or not. And I don't buy your comparison of speed running long games to tobacco/alcohol addiction... That's a bit extreme.

Tigame これを好き
United States

This is a common false assumption brought on by a lack of thought. I never once compared the severity of alcohol/tobacco addiction to running long games. That's something that was fabricated in your delirium. You were told of examples where people would defend their bad life choices. Anything else you extrapolate in your mind is fantasy.

Also, let's look at this rationally, shall we? 8 hours is a long time for a video game session. Imagine if you only did a 1 hour video game session. You would have 7 free hours to do something that would actually help you in life. But no, you instead to waste your fleeting existence on something that won't advance you any further.

South Carolina, USA

Ok, so I've determined that you think you're much smarter than you actually are and won't talk to you anymore. Have a nice day friend.

Osmosis_Jones, Tigame, そして OddsomeOddy これを好き
United States

Okay. I guess people will always find a way to not have to admit that they're wrong.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

"Okay. I guess people will always find a way to not have to admit that they're wrong."

Again. Why the hell should you be decicding on what is right or wrong? It might be that you have a very decent life and got very far and maybe this wouldn't have happened if you had attempted long speedrunning sessions. But that's not of any importance. We don't know you (unless some followers of you, if they read this) so you are pretty much an anonymous person without any right on deciding what makes you advance in life or not. We'd need to define what makes a life great. What makes life great for you? Money? Family? Sports? Sex? I really don't know. But for me my leisure activities are part of making my life great and wasting several hours by running ass long games is definitely one of them. I'm happy with that and there are also different things I achieve in life. So what should be wrong about that. Personally, I would accuse you now that you are taking the wrong decission by insulting us this way. And you might still defend yourself by saying that we are wrong and waste our lives [...]

See where this is going? Now continue reaching your life goals, because I will be as well. Reach for the stars. Have a nice day, pal.

Bavaria, Germany

This discussion is offtopic and going nowhere; get back on topic if you don't want your posts removed.

Osmosis_Jones, Deln, そして ROMaster2 これを好き