Tricheur [Aladdin (SEGA)] genesis version
8 years ago

vayarda send a speedrun video of this game and earn the 1st place. but in the video , if you look the timer at the right , at the end it's 12:17 whereas in the scoreboard it's 12:09 . At the same game and the same guys , on deathless run , he does 13:17 but it puts 13:25 . This guys is not able to post a run with same time on video and on scoreboard? fix it plz thanks you !


i didnt check the run itself but what if the mod use a different timing method and fixed it?


he is not the moderator of the game so I think the moderator accept his speedrun without looking it . he don't do his own job of moderator .

United States

Even his comment states that it was a sub 12:20 and that he thinks sub 12:15 is possible, which would make you assume that he intended for this to be posted as a 12:18. Feel free to message a moderator for that game or talk with them on their forums specific to that game and figure it out; there may be some sort of timing thing they do that we don't understand that led to a small inconsistency. But just hang tight, thanks for letting us know about it :)


ok thx you and no probleme :)


It's pretty easy to tell what's going on there if you actually look at every OTHER run on the board. Every single run has about a 7-9 second discrepancy between their split times and the time on the leaderboards because its easier to take splits if you time from hitting New Game, but presumably the mod of the game is removing the time spent in those little tutorial menus at the start of the game and actually timing from the first input, i.e traditional SDA timing because Aladdin is an old enough game that it would have those timing rules.

It's fine. Jymotion clearly knows what he's doing.

i would be surprised if i'm wrong about this

edit: I'm definitely right about this because it's written in the damn rules on the game's page

"Timing begins on the first frame the player is able to move."

Ding ding ding. I mean, I figured it out without reading the very blatant and obvious explanation but still it's totally there.

enbee そして vayarda これを好き
Bretagne, France

Hi all,

Like as said SuccintAndPunchy (thank you for your intervention), I timed my runs at the press START because it's easier. However, Jymotion chose to time the runs with SDA timing, because the community existed before It's written on the rules...

If any moderator could removed this topic, I thank him/her. I find the words of Kepya inappropriate for me and Jymotion. He didn't try to contact us and said in the title of the topic that I'm a cheater. Furthermore, I'm french like him, it's clearly easy for him to send me a message on Twitch or on another support.

Punchy これを好き

I had no idea Tricheur meant "cheater", wow. That's uh...quite a conclusion to jump to there!

Yeah, saying someone "doesn't do their job as a mod" when the guy is actually doing extra work retiming stuff for the game's timing rules is at absolute best pretty rude and at worst staggeringly ignorant. Post in the actual game's forum or contact an involved party first next time (or exercise basic reading comprehension, one of the three) before making posts calling people cheaters and mods lazy on the main forum, it's not a great look.

stoot そして enbee これを好き