Greetings Nerds <3
6 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Nerd here being a term of endearment. I figured I'd introduce myself as I submerge myself in this community/passion more and more. I've loved watching speedruns for years and finally watching SGDQ this past week made me fully commit to it. First game I'm gonna be trying solo is SUPERHOT, as well as working on Resident Evil 5 Coop speedrun. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions.

I'm a Marine Corps veteran and I've traveled around the Pacific and lived in the mystical land of Japan for three years. Any questions, feel free to ask

TheGreatToddman そして enbee これを好き
United States

Oh man that's really cool to hear you want to do SUPERHOT! We have a Discord server in the forums of our game ( ) but if you don't use that, feel free to contact me or really anyone in the top 6 with any questions you might have about the run, and we'd be more than happy to answer them!

Welcome to the community, and best of luck in your future runs <3

KillChurch これを好き
Pennsylvania, USA

Oh my god it's Bullets.

I've been watching your runs pretty religiously and I made it a point to watch your run at SGDQ. How long did it take to get all that down pat?

I'm not gonna lie, I thought to myself "pshhhhh this game is so easy, time only moves when I move?"

Never have I been so wrong... I just got through it casually. Time to start refining, and thanks for teh Discord, I'll be on and about.

United States

I honestly have zero clue of the total hours I have in the game. I launch Superhot through the .exe so unfortunately Steam does not track it. I appreciate the kind words though c:

It definitely has a few levels that are brutal casually that can seem deceptively easy during a run (Elevator is usually the main example). You'll get the hang of it though! The mechanic makes it incredibly friendly to newbies, so you can ease into the strats.

Chiba, Japan

Welcome to the forum, man :) if you have time, I hope you can also go into speedrunning other games as well. :)

Texas, USA

Hey, now, is it cheating if you have military training? No, I'm kidding. Welcome to the site!

P.S. I just realized that everything sounds cooler if you use the word "solo". I'm totally soloing a bag of cheetos right now, heh.

soru これを好き
United States

Welcome to the community, KillChurch! I wish you the best of luck on your runs!! :)

Pennsylvania, USA

Wow thank you all! The speedrunning community has a reputation for being friendly, I see why!

soru これを好き
Richmond, VA, USA

Welcome KillChurch and good luck on your runs.

Pennsylvania, USA

Thank you Toddman