Cosmic Freeway Gem Gain and XP Gain
Cosmic Freeway Gem Gain and XP Gain
更新済み 4 years ago 投稿者: meatias

Hey there! I'm sure you know as a speed-runner in FiS2, the Cosmic Freeway is one of the fastest ways to level up characters, and get a high money count. This guide is how to get high amounts of money in this level to have a good start to the run, defeat the boss, and be able to go back and shop easily if wanted. First off, when you spawn in you will want to take the node to the right, and follow these node directions for the fastest gem gain. Right, Right, Left, and then move to the left, either skipping enemies or killing them. Then the directions here: Skip the first node ONLY if you want to have more money. Otherwise, take the first node and you will arrive at the boss door. Kill the boss and enjoy the 8,800!

投稿日 4 years ago
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投稿日 4 years ago
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