2 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

why are u guys so slow to verify runs. Can I be a moderator to verify it faster??

Dublin, Ireland

bro, they have alot of runs to verify. be patient. did you see on discord somebody posted a pic where they had to verify 30 runs. also you cant just get the mod role just by asking. its more complicated. plus they have other thing to do. its not like verifying is the only thing theyre good for.

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Jackpibb5 これを好き
Toronto, ON, Canada

theres alot of mods. what have they been doing?


you can’t really say they have a lot of runs when they haven’t even been verifying any runs for days in between, as the last 2 runs that have been verified were mine (the runs were waiting to be verified for 4 days).


also they dont even need to retime

Pennsylvania, USA

The only things I have to say are they're either busy with other things related to life, like school or something along those lines (a job works, too) or they started losing motivation and need to gain it back. I mean, hell, if you become a mod, sure you'll get some motivation boost or whatever, but that's only temporary. Eventually, some stuff like the overwhelming amount of runs or just outside factors in general will cause the slowdown. This is happening with the classic Flood Escape game, too. (Although there's only 2 mods there compared to the 6 mods here, but the principle is nearly the same). It's just what I believe to be the case. Additionally, asking for mod straight-up, especially in a thread, is probably gonna lessen your chances anyways.

Pennsylvania, USA

And just so you know, quantity is NOT going to help a lot with the amount of unverified runs currently. It's better, but not completely out of the danger. (They just need time to get their motivation back. There's even instances of mods not caring about the game anymore, btw)

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

Yes but they are alot of mods who arent even 18 yet like around 15 16 they can atleast go on the site once in a while ;--;

Jackpibb5 これを好き
Dublin, Ireland

@shinyryan12 thats exactly what i was trying to say. They have other things to do in life. They're not a 24/7 bot. Not to mention the minimum age requirement is 13, not 18.

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
United States

OR blind could stop being stubborn and kick the unactive verfiers

Washington, USA

@GabeTheBot that includes himself

I'll try to get all the runs done today sorry for the wait btw.

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

I know "superstar" I'm saying not all of them are 18 or 18+

New category - 2019 addition.

Salutations ladies and gentlemen. Due to Crazyblox being a cheeky little bugger (and basically killing the entire game), we've decided to spice up what remains of the speedrunning scene in this game. We're going back in time with this one boys!

A new category has been added: 2019 Version. We can no

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