3 years ago
Calgary, AB, Canada

I’ve wanted to start running this category, but I can’t find any tutorials or guides. Do you guys have any pointers?

Lojen これを好き
United States

Hello there JAje Nice to see you interested in speedrunning Donkey Kong Jr. Some tips I would have is get really good at mashing left and right to move on vines, also practice and analyze how many times you need to push left or right while climbing. You basically always want to climb up while having both of DK Jr's hands on ropes/vines, and want to always descend with DK Jr on one vine. The top runners use a the PRG0 version of this game because it allows them to do a trick in the third level that skips a portion of the level, you cannot do that trick in any other version but the PRG0 version I believe. Anymore questions? I'd be happy to help!

JAje これを好き
Calgary, AB, Canada

Thank you so much for everything, I will start practising as soon as I can!

Calgary, AB, Canada

Thank you so much for everything, I will start practising as soon as I can!

Lojen これを好き
United States

No problem dude I'm happy to help. Once again if you have any questions I'm sure I can answer them. Good Luck dude!

JAje これを好き
投稿日 2 months ago
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投稿日 1 year ago
投稿日 1 year ago
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