I would like to request a hug-fluffy-boy percent
2 years ago

I think it would be really funny if you could do a run where your only goal is to get to the dummy and hug Ralsei.

AwesomeGuy2323, pro_radii, そして ThatFungee これを好き

honestly this speedrun.com page could use a light-hearted and fun speedrun category for a change (edit: not to say that deltarune isn't light-hearted or fun)

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
United States
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

we're not adding meme categories until the full game comes out also this speedrun is kinda lame as its just a Castle Town IL and then not continuing at the very end and doing a pointless task

Tadyman これを好き
Arizona, USA

if this becomes a thing i would run it

AwesomeGuy2323 これを好き
Addition of IGT to Deltarune

About a month ago, there was a community poll held in the discord to add IGT to Deltarune. After a close poll of about 70 to 5, we have added the use of IGT to the game. This IGT only makes a difference to the All Chapters categories, removing the time spent switching between chapter 1 and chapter 2

1 year ago