Any% notes
Any% notes
更新済み 7 years ago 投稿者: Bingchang

¤This needs to be edited heavily - best way to learn the run would be to read through the notes and watch my run¤

Level notes: First Run: Run/Double jump to the end - buy 1 dash and 1 super jump Wet Wasteland: Grab all orbs - buy some more dash/super jump The Pits: Shoot a tree Hot rocks: Get green gun and kill all enemies Dead Ringer: Grab all orbs The Beaten Path: Kill last big enemy, I have to jump to the left so spawn it when i go over the wall Lake bottom: Grab all orbs and white gun White Drifts: Kill all enemies Treacherous Tower: Get to end Petrified Pillars: Grab certain orbs Shifty sand: Shoot tree Black Trenches: Shoot tree Light source: Shoot tree Down in the Bayou: Kill all enemies Rainy Rumble: Kill all enemies (Boss Fight) The boss splits 2 times and its rng where it splits

End Middon Region Start Lydonia Chronicles

This area introduces nega (negative) energy, which sometimes means you have to destroy a nega orb to progress

Wicked White:Jump to the end Up and back: Kill all enemies Rolling revenge: Kill Nega orb then climb over wall and shoot tree Acid meadow: The escort mission, the flatter we can make the ground the faster it will move along the area. Extremely boring and annoying. If the thing goes in the acid water it will die in 5-10 seconds Cold descent: Kill all enemies, can be trolled by flying enemies at the end Above the fog: Grab all orbs Walls of earth: So the green portions of the wall can be destoried, and we only have to go into one of those 4 areas to spawn the final 'egg' that we need to kill that explodes in to fliers that we kill.

投稿日 5 years ago
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投稿日 5 years ago
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