Detailed Walkthrough of the game
Detailed Walkthrough of the game
更新済み 6 years ago 投稿者: lako3000

Blood Will Tell - Walkthrough

############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ###############################################################################

Table of Contents

(A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Walkthrough

  • (C-00) Tutorial
  • (C-01) Prologue - Fiend 01
  • (C-02) Prologue - Fiend 02
  • (C-03) Chapter 01 - Scourge
  • (C-04) Chapter 01 - Fiend 03
  • (C-05) Chapter 01 - Proof
  • (C-06) Chapter 01 - Fiend 04
  • (C-06A) Chapter 01 - Fiend 05
  • (C-06B) Chapter 01 - Fiend 06
  • (C-06C) Chapter 01 - Fiend 07
  • (C-07) Chapter 02 - Fiend 08
  • (C-08) Chapter 02 - Fiend 09
  • (C-08A) Chapter 02 - Fiend 10
  • (C-08B) Chapter 02 - Fiend 11
  • (C-09) Chapter 03 - Fiend 12
  • (C-10) Chapter 03 - Fiend 13
  • (C-11) Chapter 03 - Fiend 14
  • (C-12) Chapter 03 - Fiend 15
  • (C-12A) Chapter 03 - Fiend 16
  • (C-12B) Chapter 03 - Fiend 17
  • (C-13) Chapter 04 - Fiend 18
  • (C-14) Chapter 04 - Kids
  • (C-15) Chapter 04 - Fiend 19
  • (C-16) Chapter 04 - Fiend 20
  • (C-16A) Chapter 04 - Fiend 21
  • (C-16B) Chapter 04 - Fiend 22
  • (C-16C) Chapter 04 - Fiend 23
  • (C-16D) Chapter 04 - Fiend 24
  • (C-17) Chapter 05 - Fiend 25
  • (C-18) Chapter 05 - Fiend 26
  • (C-19) Chapter 05 - Fiend 27
  • (C-19A) Chapter 05 - Fiend 28
  • (C-19B) Chapter 05 - Fiend 29
  • (C-19C) Chapter 05 - Fiend 30
  • (C-20) Chapter 06 - Fiend 31
  • (C-21) Chapter 06 - Fiend 32
  • (C-21A) Chapter 06 - Fiend 33
  • (C-21B) Chapter 02 - Fiend 34
  • (C-21C) Chapter 02 - Fiend 35
  • (C-21D) Chapter 01 - Fiend 36
  • (C-22) Chapter 07 - Castle Secrets
  • (C-23) Chapter 07 - Fiend 37
  • (C-24) Chapter 07 - Fiend 38
  • (C-25) Chapter 07 - Fiend 39
  • (C-26) Chapter 07 - Fiend 40
  • (C-27) Chapter 07 - Fiend 41
  • (C-28) Chapter 07 - Fiend 42
  • (C-29) Chapter 07 - Fiend 43
  • (C-30) Chapter 07 - Fiend 44
  • (C-31) Final Chapter - Fiend 45 (D) Tips (E) Body Parts (F) Spirit Attack Scrolls (G) Swords (H) Items (I) Fiends (J) Enemies (K) Secrets (L) Dororo Mode (M) Thanks (N) Experimental

############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ###############################################################################

The default controls for this game are as follows:


Left stick - Move.

Square - Light attack. Triangle - Heavy attack. X - Jump. Circle - Call Dororo. R1 - Fire arm cannon. R2 - Aim leg cannon. L2 - Change weapon. L3 - Dash [once you have the left leg].

Square + triangle - Use spirit attack [when spirit gauge is full].

L1 - Center camera. R3 - Boss camera. Start - Pause/menu.


Same as above except for these changes:

Circle - Show hint. R1 - Throw item near. R2 - Throw item far. L3 - Dash.

############################################################################### (C) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy

You will find the walkthrough for the entire game in the sections below.

############################################################################### (C-00) TUTORIAL ###############################################################################

Follow the on-screen instructions to practice Hyakkimaru's movements and various attacks.

############################################################################### (C-01) PROLOGUE - FIEND 01 ###############################################################################

Ugetsu Trail

The green bar in the top left corner is your HP, the blue bar is your spirit bar. The red number is the shots left in your knee cannon and the blue number is the shots left in your arm cannon.

Kill all the wandering skulls on the ground and double-jump to reach the ravens in the air. They both show up as red dots on your map and by killing them you will gain experience for your weapons. Once they are all dead, you can enter the next area.

Kagerou Village

Approach the shiny spot up ahead [it's a save point] and save your game, then enter the middle of the village for a short cutscene.

Kill the seven carrion beetles here [one of your sword arms will likely reach level 2 if you've been using them] to start a cutscene and reach the next area.

Tsurigane Valley

Save your game and head for the shiny spot on your map to see a cutscene.

Fiend Battle: Great Horn

[Body Part - Vocal Cords]

During battles like this one the camera remains centered on the boss, but you can toggle between this camera mode and the normal one with R3.

The boss's health meter starts out blue and becomes yellow after you drain it once, it then becomes red after you drain it a second time. Finally when you drain the red meter, the boss is dead.

Use a spirit attack if you have one charged up, otherwise you want to make sure that the boss doesn't land on you as he jumps around. His other main attacks include taking a few swipes at you, or pounding the ground to generate a short wave.

Definitely use your knee cannon and your gun arm from a distance to take off a LOT of the fiend's health. You can get in close to use your sword arms, but then you have to watch for the boss's swipes or waves. I find it works well to get in close and attack RIGHT AFTER the boss starts some swipes, then quickly jump away after he ends them.

Once you start draining the red part of the boss's health meter he starts using a new attack. Sometimes when you get close he will stand and create a flaming barrier around himself for a few seconds. This is bad news if you're close to him, but a PERFECT time to unload a burst of shots from your arm cannon.

Once you drain the last of the boss's health you get your first body part back, your vocal cords! Watch the cutscene afterwards to reach the next area.

############################################################################### (C-02) PROLOGUE - FIEND 02 ###############################################################################

Yakushi Riverside

Save the game and smash the urns to get some ammo for your cannons, then head for the bridge to start a cutscene.

Kill the eight wandering skulls to start another cutscene and get Dororo on your side, then cross the bridge and head right at the fallen log to reach another save point.

Continue onward after using the save point and kill a series of specters and carrion beetles [touch the rice ball if you need HP], then go back and save once more. Head for the shiny spot on your map to reach the next fiend.

Fiend Battle: Homonculus

[Body Part - Left Eye]

This fiend moves very slowly and either blows a ring of smoke towards you or a short close-range burst of smoke. Save your ammo and get in close, then attack him until Dororo breaks free.

Now you can let loose with both cannons and your spirit attack until all of those three are depleted. For the rest of the battle [most of the fiend's health should be long gone already], just get in close and attack the fiend while trying to avoid his head-butts, punches and smoke.

Once the fiend is dead you can watch the cutscenes that end this chapter and save your game.

############################################################################### (C-03) CHAPTER 01 - SCOURGE ###############################################################################

Sengoku Riverside

[If you want to fight a fiend here you should see section C-06A below.]

Read the screen to learn how to command Dororo with circle and notice that everything is in colour now, thanks to getting your left eye back.

Set Dororo to attack as you clear out the specters, water devils and drecks in this area. Collect the medicine and smash the urns along the way, then use the save point when you come to it and head up the nearby hill to reach the next area.

Yonaki Pass

Grab the medicine and climb the stairs for some wandering skulls to kill. Destroy the urns while you attack some more wandering skulls along with some cursed weeds in the forested section. Kill some ravens on the bridge up ahead and use the save point just beyond them.

Smash the urn to your right and take the items to your left, then kill a group of wandering skulls and specters up ahead. Go down the path to start a cutscene and reach the next fiend.

Fiend Battle: Scourge

Watch for the fiend's tail and mouth [keep your distance] as you pelt him with cannon-fire [also try your spirit attack if you have it]. Try switching the camera so you can get items from the urns, then switch back. Use the extra ammo that you got from the urns to drain the rest [or most of] the fiend's health, then finish it off at close range if you need to.

############################################################################### (C-04) CHAPTER 01 - FIEND 03 ###############################################################################

Yudai's Manor - Basement

After the cutscene you get to check Dororo's controls and start controlling her.

Crawl through the passage until you can stand up, then use the nearby save point.

Carefully time your jumps up the steps so that you don't touch the spikes in the floor or those that fall from the ceiling. Once the ceiling spikes fall you can jump on the top as a platform to continue on. Watch the wall up ahead for shiny spots and dodge the fire that comes from these spots.

Enter the passage to your left [take the rice ball] and punch the skull post to create some blocks over the pit [the pattern of the blocks changes each time], then QUICKLY jump across these blocks before they disappear again.

Smash the right urn in this room for invincibility, then kill the trio of guardian dogs to start an elevator moving. Smash the other urn and step in the elevator to reach the next area.

Yudai's Manor - Yudai's Bedroom

Enter the bedroom and grab a max HP up by the changing board, then go the other way to start a cutscene.

Yudai's Manor - Well Room

Smash all the urns for some items, then head for the top left part of the map. Smash the rock here and go through the passage beyond to reach the next area.

Yudai Village

[If you want to fight a fiend here you should see section C-06B below. If doors are blocking your way, you'll have to come back later in the chapter.]

Kill the wandering skulls [smash the pots for items] and the ravens [keep killing the ravens without destroy the generator if you want to level up some weapons]. There are also shadows and specters here, so be sure to kill them as well.

You can find the poison sword, and the worn blade in pots here so be sure to smash them all. [The poison sword is in a pot by the door at the south end of the first building.] You can also use the save point at the north end of the map whenever you need to.

You don't HAVE to kill all the enemies here but you may as well since it's great for leveling up your sword arms. Once they're all dead you should use the save point and go north to see a cutscene in the next area.

Ancient Bamboo Thicket

You don't have to kill all the enemies here and explore all the sections like I've detailed, but it's great for experience and for finding items. If you want to skip that though just follow the golden heads that say "you want some?"

Head left and Kill all the water devils and water horrors here as you collect any items and smash any urns that you see.

Head north to the next section and kill more of the same and some specter lords as you grab the Firestorm scroll near the small waterfall, then equip it and try out your new spirit attack before heading northeast to the next section.

Kill some cursed weeds and smash an urn along the way to get the fire sword, then follow the golden heads that say "you want some?". Kill the tentacles along the way and some specters, then use the save point. Head for the shiny spot on your map and dispatch a few enemies along the way. Chop down the trees in your way and continue to the shiny spot to start a cutscene.

Yudai Village

A 3:30 minute timer starts now and you have to run to the shiny spot on your map within that time. IGNORE ALL ENEMIES in your way and simply run to that point as fast as possible to start a cutscene.

Ancient Bamboo Thicket

Save your game and head for the shiny place once more to start a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Hellcrusher

[Body Part - Esophagus]

This fiend flies around and fires at you before briefly putting up a colourful barrier. Otherwise he will club you if you get too close to him.

Use your spirit attack first, then use your cannons from a distance until they are out of ammo. Finally get in close between the fiend's clubs [he swings it twice, then pauses] to deliver the final blows.

############################################################################### (C-05) CHAPTER 01 - PROOF ###############################################################################

Yudai Village

Watch the cutscenes and go through the hold in the ground to reach the next area.

Yudai's Manor - Well Room

Smash the urns if you want, then jump down the well and enter the passage there.

Yudai's Manor - Basement

Save your game and go past the spikes, the fire and the pit once more. Kill the guardian dogs and specters before riding the elevator again.

Yudai's Manor - Yudai's Bedroom

Head south and press circle to open the doors ahead of you, then enter the area beyond.

Yudai's Manor - 2nd Floor

Ignore the first shiny spot on your map and head for the second. Kill the wandering skulls along the way and pick up the key when you get there. Kill more wandering skulls [sometimes they drop max hp ups] and go down the nearby stairs.

Yudai's Manor - 1st Floor

Kill all the enemies here and unlock the door in the northeast corner, then kill a couple enemies and approach the chest for a cutscene.

Take the smoke bombs from the chest and leave the room, then kill all enemies and climb back up the stairs.

Yudai's Manor - 2nd Floor

Kill the enemies as you head for the shiny spot that you avoided earlier. Throw a smoke bomb to put the guard to sleep, then take the gold key and go back downstairs.

Yudai's Manor - 1st Floor

Open the door in the northwest corner and approach the arrow for a short cutscene, then go back upstairs.

Yudai's Manor - 2nd Floor

Go back to Yudai's bedroom.

Yudai's Manor - Yudai's Bedroom

Approach the right side of Yudai's bed to start a few cutscenes.

############################################################################### (C-06) CHAPTER 01 - FIEND 04 ###############################################################################

Yudai Village

Save the game and smash the urn northwest of you a bit for another worn blade. Attack the enemies here [there are a LOT so you don't need to kill them all, but it would be good for experience] and smash all the urns and pots as you go. Use the save point at the north end of the map and kill more enemies if you want, then continue north to the next area.

Ancient Bamboo Thicket

Head north and attack the specter in your way, then continue north and kill a group of specters. Smash the urn and follow the path to start a cutscene and a battle with a familiar fiend.

Fiend Battle: Scourge

Watch for this fiend raising debris into the air, because in a few seconds he shoots it straight at you. The debris either lands in a circle around the fiend, lands in a straight line or fires at you as you move. The first two are pretty harmless and easily dodged by moving constantly. For the third attack you should jump repeatedly as you move so that you don't get hit.

Otherwise use your spirit attack and cannons first to deal some quick damage, then use the usual hit and run strategy with your sword arms. Once you drain the fiend's health to the yellow you see a cutscene.

Watch for the fiend's tongue and tail along with the usual debris, then continue with the hit and run strategy. Stay away from the back side of the fiend or you will quickly get slapped with the tail. It's better to stay near the front and take 2-3 slashes before running once more. Be prepared to jump when the fiend's eyes flash in case the tongue comes out, otherwise keep at it and you should win.

Yudai Village

Save your game after the cutscenes and head for the shiny spot to see another cutscene.

Yudai's Manor - 1st Floor

Kill the wandering skulls and take the lightning sword from the northeast room, then climb the stairs. [As far as I know you CAN NOT get this sword by revisiting the chapter later.]

Yudai's Manor - 2nd Floor

Kill the guardian dogs, wandering skulls and skeletal warriors, then check the alcove for a rice ball. Approach the door ahead and grab items on both sides of you, then open the door to start a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Ogress

[Body Part - Left Leg]

This fiend flies around while you fight and if it gets close it pauses for a second then does a spinning punch. Luckily it's easy to spot this attack and jump away in time. The other attack involves the fiend raising a hand to the sky and getting struck by lightning. As soon as you see this jump out of the way because the fiend fires that lightning at you next.

Use your spirit attack and cannons to start things off, then counterattack with 2-3 slashes after the fiend's spinning punch [or lightning, but I find the punch easier].

Once you drain most of the fiend's health a cutscene plays, then the battle continues with only the red health remaining.

The fiend releases four enemies and fires 3 beams from the top of the tower [from left to right]. Attack the enemies for items and avoid the fiend's beams, then attack like usual once the fiend returns to the ground.

Once the fiend is finally dead you can watch the cutscenes that end this chapter and save your game.

############################################################################### (C-06A) CHAPTER 01 - FIEND 05 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Sengoku Riverside

Head for the southeast corner of the map [the south point where the river bends]. Chop the roots of the HUGE tree on your left to cause it to fall into the nearby waterfall, then jump up the right root to get on top of the tree and walk across it to start the battle with the fiend.

Fiend Battle: Dreameater

[Body Part - Hippocampal Synapse]

The fiend has an attack where the eye charges green energy and then releases a series of shots at you. The shots are slow-moving and easily dodged, especially if you return after completing this chapter, when you have the left leg.

Once you reach the yellow bar the fiend starts to teleport on occasion, but that's nothing taxing to deal with.

Otherwise you want to attack the fiend's claw to deal your damage and win the battle.

############################################################################### (C-06B) CHAPTER 01 - FIEND 06 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Yudai Village

Use the save point near the southeast corner of the village and go through the nearby hole in the wall. Smash all 18 pillars in here to start the battle with the next fiend.

Fiend Battle: Grave Golem

[Body Part - Platelets]

This fiend floats around and occasionally rises up before trying to land on you.

He also turns red briefly and dashes towards you, but you can easily dodge this attack as well.

Sometimes the fiend will also shoot a slow fireball, but you can easily dodge it.

Once you get down to the red bar the fiend will sometimes spin and shoot four fireballs, so keep your distance at that time.

Use your cannons and spirit attacks to start things off, then hit and run with your sword arms.

############################################################################### (C-06C) CHAPTER 01 - FIEND 07 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, but you can't fight him on your first time through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Yudai Village

Use the save point at the north end of the village, then go to the northeast corner of the map. Look at the objects in this section of the village, find the one that's glowing yellow and smash it to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Inquisitor

[Body Part - Trapezius Muscles]

The red face on this fiend does a clockwise spinning flamethrower attack.

The yellow face runs around while dropping bombs behind it.

The blue face doesn't attack at all and just runs away from you.

Once you reach the yellow bar, the fiend will sometimes create smaller enemies for you to fight.

Use your cannons to start things off, then hit and run with your sword blades.

############################################################################### (C-07) CHAPTER 02 - FIEND 08 ###############################################################################

Nowaki Trail

Now that you have Hyakkimaru's left leg you can dash by holding L3. Kill the 20 enemies here [including hellhounds and spirit wheels] even if you have to use your Sparrow's Flight spirit attack. Smash all the urns and barrels, then use the save point and go north to the next area.

Mujou Fields

Kill all the zombies and wandering deaths after the cutscene, then double-jump to get the rice ball up ahead. Kill the enemies just beyond and smash the urn to get the sword of clarity [equip this sword but keep using your sword arms]. Backtrack a little bit and jump to a ledge on your right, then jump across a series of ledges to continue northeast. Kill a few more enemies and smash an urn, then enter the next section to start a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Masterless Samurai

This is your first non-lethal battle, since you MUST only kill demons and not humans. As a result you can only use the dull side of your sword and can't use any spirit powers or other weapons, also Dororo will not fight. If you can attack an enemy's back in a non-lethal fight, you will do lots of damage.

The samurai takes three swings and the third swing is a spinning one, so you can be hit with it if you are behind him. I find it works best to stay close [but not too close] and counterattack with 2-3 hits [usually 2 hits] after the samurai's third swing.

Mujou Fields

Save your game and kill all the enemies here, try your best to take them on one at a time to make things easier. Definitely kill the spirit wheels [use smoke bombs to make it easier] because EVERY one of them drops a max HP up when they die. Look for a ledge to your right near the save point and jump onto it, then double jump southeast across similar ledges. Cross a bridge and smash a couple of urns for items, then pick up the nearby Thunderstrike scroll for Hyakkimaru.

Save your game and jump up a ledge on your left, then jump onto the large ledge marked on your map. Smash the nearby urns and follow the ronin as you jump across the platforms and double-jump to the other side. Kill the enemies here and smash the urn for a rice ball, then follow the ronin north to the next area.

Hiuchidani Village

Save your game and approach the ronin for a short cutscene, then follow the Ronin around and ONLY attack him from behind. If you hit the ronin from the front he will counterattack you! Even if the ronin turns around you can often run behind him and get in a hit or two before he teleports.

Keep following him and hitting him from behind until his health is drained, then approach the sword to start a cutscene.

Hiuchidani Village

Now that you're here with Hyakkimaru you should save your game. Switch to your sword arms and kill the zombies, then head northwest and kill more enemies while you smash some barrels. Smash another barrel north of you and kill more enemies, then use the save point north of you before climbing the stairs. Kill more enemies [including bloodweeds] and continue up the stairs to start a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Possessed Dororo

This is another non-lethal battle so you want to try to attack Dororo in the back if possible. It's NOT an easy fight, so if you have a 1up it makes things a little easier.

Dororo stands and yells before running at you. She then either does a spinning attack or an overhead slash. Since it's hard to tell which one she's going to use, it's best if you jump to the side. Afterwards you can counterattack with a hit or two.

Dororo also does a backflip while swinging the sword, so it's not even safe behind her either. Finally Dororo will sometimes throw the sword and let it follow you for a bit before it returns to her. This is best avoided by running away and jumping the sword when it gets close. After throwing the sword Dororo is vulnerable to a few hits, so if you're close attack her with a combo and ignore the sword.

I find the best method is to attack Dororo from the SIDE with one hit, then back off and repeat after her next attack. It's slow but it means that you won't get hit in a long combo, plus you won't get hit if she decides to backflip into you.

Hiuchidani Village

Kill the enemies here and smash the urns, then head south to save your game and enter the village square for a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Giant Fire Wheel

[Body Part - Kidneys]

Dash out of the way of the fiend as he tries to run you down, then use up the ammo for both your cannons and use your sparrow's flight spirit attack.

Now you have to attack the fiend from the side as best as you can, since he's on fire you can't get too close which is really annoying. Fortunately he should be pretty low on health by now. The fiend may use a spinning attack near the end of the fight, but if you keep your distance, it shouldn't bother you.

############################################################################### (C-08) CHAPTER 02 - FIEND 09 ###############################################################################

Hiuchidani Village

Head north and smash the urn by the tree for the flashing blade [your strongest sword yet], then use the save point. Smash any barrels and urns, then head for the shiny spot in the southeast corner to start a cutscene.

Kill the nearby enemies and use the save point south of you, then continue south to the next area.

Mujou Fields

Kill the nearby enemies and smash the urn for a rice ball, then go northeast to start a cutscene.

Fiend Battle: Demon Sword Dragon Brood

[Body Part - Spine]

The fiend runs around and can teleport as well, otherwise he uses fairly direct attacks with the sword [though some have greater range than others].

Save your ammo and spirit attack and just use your sword to drain 1/2 to 3/4 of the yellow bar, which starts a cutscene.

When the battle resumes the fiend can now swing quite wide with his sword and also generate a barrier around himself. This barrier damages you if you touch it, but is also used to create a circle of spikes around the fiend for a moment.

Keep your distance if you see the barrier form, then resume your counterattacks after the spikes disappear. The fiend can also stab the ground which creates a line of spikes towards you. This attack shouldn't worry you if you keep moving though. Feel free to use your cannons and spirit attacks during this stage of the battle, but if you can save them, it's better.

Once you drain half of the yellow bar a cutscene plays and the battle enters a third stage.

In this stage the fiend teleports like crazy, but he'll always attack you on his third teleport. Jump out of the way on this teleport and quickly get in a hit or two, then repeat. You can smash an urn here for a rice ball, otherwise drain a little bit more of the yellow bar to start a cutscene and a fourth stage of the battle.

Smash the urn here for a rice ball, then get back to counterattacking the fiend. His combo usually ends with him leaping into the air and creating a ring of spikes around him when he lands, so KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Otherwise counterattack with one hit at a time and watch for your spirit bar to fill up so you can use another spirit attack.

Once you drain the last of his health this battle is FINALLY over!

############################################################################### (C-08A) CHAPTER 02 - FIEND 10 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Mujou Fields

After you jump up the ledges to reach the upper area you should enter a clearing. Smash a small rock on your right as soon as you enter this clearing to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Impaler

[Body Part - Manipura]

The fiend loves a combo where he does three quick pokes with his spear and then two slashes, but you can easily dodge to the side to avoid getting hit.

He will also charge a large purple shot that slowly moves towards you, but you can move to either side to avoid it.

Sometimes the fiend does a sideways slash when you get close to him, but you'll see him getting ready in time for you to run away.

Use your cannons and spirit attack early on, then use a hit and run strategy to finish of the fiend.

############################################################################### (C-08B) CHAPTER 02 - FIEND 11 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, but you can't fight him on your first time through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Mujou Fields

Use the save point in the north end of the large area with the floating platforms. Head northeast into the clearing that's filled with mud, then kill all the enemies to start the fiend battle.

Fiend Battle: Night Terror

[Body Part - Cerebellum]

This fiend sinks into the mud to get around and spits poison at you for one attack, otherwise he scratches at you when you get close.

When you reach the yellow bar he will do a spinning poison attack, and sometimes a head-butt as well when you get close.

Use cannons and spirit attacks to start things off, then resort to hit and run combos of about 2-3 hits.

############################################################################### (C-09) CHAPTER 03 - FIEND 12 ###############################################################################

Daidara Mountain - Fuuma Temple

Smash the urn and kill the enemies along the path [including death ravens], then smash another urn near the building to get the flametongue sword. Equip this sword since it is the strongest one yet and it fills your spirit meter faster [but keep using your sword arms], then watch the cutscene and use the save point.

Go north into the building and smash the urn, then head for the shiny spot on your map to start a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Soldiers

This is another non-lethal battle, so try to hit the soldiers in the back.

Try to take on each soldier one at a time and dash to run away if you need to. Grab the rice ball by the doors to the temple and watch the enemies for dropped items. Once all 30 soldiers are knocked out, some more cutscenes play.

Daidara Mountain - Fuuma Temple

Save the game and head east along the path. Kill the enemies [including poltergeists] and smash the urn on the way to the next area as a cutscene starts.

The Magistrate's Village

Kill the enemies and smash the urn, then go deeper into the village to start a cutscene.

Go to the right half of this area and look for the large gap between the houses at the south end of the map. Enter this gap and head west to find an urn among some rocks, then smash this urn to get the blade of tears.

Kill more enemies [including carnage beetles] and head for a tiny clearing in the northeast corner of the map to start a battle.

Fiend Battle: Goliath

[Body Part - Adrenal Glands]

This fiend is IDENTICAL to the very first fiend that you fought, the great horn. Use your cannons and spirit attacks to start things off, then get in close and slash this guy to kill him off really quickly and easily.

############################################################################### (C-10) CHAPTER 03 - FIEND 13 ###############################################################################

The Magistrate's Village

Leave the clearing where you just fought the fiend, then follow the path north as it curves to start a cutscene.

Follow the path and use the save point, then grab a rice ball in an alcove by the building. [If you return to this chapter later, you will get the Fool's Blade from this spot, instead of the rice ball.] Return to the path and kill enemies while you enter the next area.

Daidara Mountain - In The Mountains

Smash the urns and kill more enemies, then double-jump over the gaps. Smash the nearby urn for a rice ball and head left towards the shiny spot to start a cutscene.

Magistrate's Hidden Room

[If you come here once you've finished the chapter you will find the Whirlwind Attack scroll].

Open the door ahead of you and make a note of the number on the wall above the zeros. You need to match that weight on the giant scale by using the boxes in the room.

The large boxes add 50 to the total, the small boxes add 10 and Dororo adds 26. In order to get the weight of 146 you need to push two large boxes on the scale, two small boxes and then stand on it yourself to start a cutscene and a battle.

[ 50 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 26 = 146 ]

Fiend Battle: Twin Blade

[Body Part - Ears]

This fiend fights a lot like the great horn and goliath, except he takes much larger swings and pounds the ground three times instead of once.

Use your cannons and spirit attack first [like usual], then stick to counterattacking with 1-2 hits after he tries his swings. You can get a larger combo going when the fiend tries pounding the ground, just don't get stuck in front of him.

Now that you have the ears, you can press a button while in the air [eg: after being it] to land on your feet.

############################################################################### (C-11) CHAPTER 03 - FIEND 14 ###############################################################################

Magistrate's Hidden Room

Grab the rice ball to your right and use the save point, then go through the nearby door and kill some clockworks. Collect their knives and look for the sword on top of a stack of barrels. Throw a knife at the WALL near these barrels, then use that knife as a platform to reach the three-body slasher sword.

Kill the mucks on top of the walls and hit the star pole to raise a small gate. Use a knife to get on top of the northeast wall, then crawl into a passage in the corner there.

Attack the enemy on the other side and hit another star pole, then drop to the ground and open the nearby door for a cutscene.

The Magistrate's Village

Use the save point and the rice ball in the nearby alcove, then smash the urn and kill enemies as you go north along the path.

Daidara Mountain - In The Mountains

Kill the enemies and carefully jump the gaps, then head for the shiny spot on your map for a cutscene and battle.

Fiend Battle: Fire Golem

[Body Part - Stomach]

This fiend hops around and uses a spinning attack that you should dash away from. He also breathes fire, but the range is pretty short on it. Sometimes he spits fireballs, which are quite fast so you want to stay away from those.

He screams before he spits the fireballs so you have some warning [sidestep left, right left to avoid them], otherwise you want to use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off. It's VERY hard to counterattack after his fire breath, but you can usually counterattack the spin move pretty easily. If you ever knock him down though keep your distance, he kicks to get back up and it hurts.

Once you get him down to the red bar his spin move gets upgraded. Now he spins on the spot before tilting it and charging at you. Wait for his charge and dash out of the way to avoid it.

Watch the cutscene after the battle and enter the cave.

############################################################################### (C-12) CHAPTER 03 - FIEND 15 ###############################################################################

Magistrate's Hidden Room

Kill the enemies and use the nearby save point, then go through the door and kill more enemies [including a specter overlord]. Head through the door in the northwest corner and attack the door to Dororo's cell, then approach Dororo for a cutscene.

Kill the 8 enemies and head east, then save your game and hit the fourth lid from the left to open a nearby door. Head south into the next room to start some cutscenes.

Daidara Mountain - In The Mountains

Attack the enemies [including rock golems] as you follow the path northeast. Smash the urns along the way and use a save point, then head for the shiny spot to start a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Gaping Maw

This fiend moves quite slowly and does a brief spin attack after turning red. Otherwise he'll scratch you if you're close to him for too long and he sometimes teleports, but for the most part he's a pushover.

You're better saving your cannons and spirit attacks for the next battle, so get in close and slash the fiend repeatedly. Once you drain about half of the red bar, the fiend starts to run away to regain health. Dash if you need to and keep slashing at him to beat him, then watch the cutscene and get ready for another battle.

Fiend Battle: Mountainous

This giant stone hand bursts out of the ground in the spot where you see a glowing area. Make sure you dash away from this spot or you'll get punched as the hand bursts from the ground. You want to then jump up onto the rocks surrounding the hand to get in 1-2 hits and quickly jump away before the hand returns to the ground and hits you on the way down.

Sometimes the hand will slap the ground so dash quickly to avoid this. After hitting the ground, the hand will quickly slide from side to side, then stop for a bit and raise back up once more. Once the hand is done sliding around you can get a few hits in.

Hopefully you saved your cannons and spirit attack [personally I used firestorm and it worked very well] for this fiend, so use them if you have them. Once they're gone you can stick to the usual hit and run strategy to win the fight.

Daidara Mountain - In The Mountains

Use the save point and kill a few enemies as you carefully double-jump over the gaps, then watch the cutscene.

Daidara Mountain - In The Mountains

Kill the enemies along the path and smash the urns, then use the save point when you come to it. Continue down the path and kill more enemies as you enter a clearing, then watch a cutscene and get ready for another battle.

Fiend Battle: Mountainous

The fiend fights the same as the last time that you fought him, except this time he can shoot fireballs at you. These fireballs are either shot three at a time, or simply one on it's own. Either way they're pretty easy to dodge, so just use your cannons and spirit attack to get things started like usual.

If you can break away some of the stone and attack the red parts of the arm you will do MUCH more damage. Otherwise just use your hit and run strategy until the battle is over.

Daidara Mountain - Mountainside

Use the save point to the northeast, then follow that path as you kill some enemies. Enter the clearing and approach the shiny spot, then attack it until a cutscene starts.

Daidara Mountain - In The Mountains

Carefully jump across the gaps as you kill some enemies, then work your way past some tentacles [attack them if needed] to start a cutscene.

Daidara Mountain - Mountainside

Kill the enemies as you follow the path, then kill all the enemies in the clearing. Use the rocks by the northeast wall to reach the second ledge, then [kill the enemies if you want the items of experience] continue down the path to the shiny spot. Go past the tentacles and enemies, then slash the tree until a cutscene starts.

Daidara Mountain - In The Mountains

Carefully jump the gaps and kill the enemies as you follow the path south to the next area.

The Magistrate's Village

Use the save point and head for the village, then kill a few enemies and watch the glowing spots on the ground for fireballs. Head through the village as the fireballs increase, then go to the path in the west to start a cutscene.

Daidara Mountain - Mountain Summit

Kill the enemies and smash the urns along the path, then use the save point and jump up the nearby rocks for a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Mountainous

Use your knee cannon to shoot the fiend in the eye and get things going, then watch for his laser beam and falling fireballs [watch for glowing spots on the ground]. Kill the golems to get more shots for your knee cannon, then use those shots on the fiend's eye until the battle ends.

Daidara Mountain - Fuuma Temple

Use the save point and smash the urn that's east of you, then approach the shiny spot on your map to start a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Mountainous

[Body Part - Sense Of Pain]

Grab the sword of protection that's behind the heart and leave the temple. Work your way through the tentacles to grab three firebombs from the building in the northeast path of the map, then return to the temple. Equip the firebombs and throw them at the heart, then go back to the small building for more. After about 4-5 hits you see some cutscenes that end the chapter.

############################################################################### (C-12A) CHAPTER 03 - FIEND 16 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, but you can't fight him on your first time through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Daidara Mountain - Fuuma Temple

Use the save point here and go to the southwest corner of the temple, then kill the tentacles to start the fiend battle.

Fiend Battle: Gaping Maw

[Body Part - Small Intestines]

This fiend has the same attacks as when you fought him the last time, except now he also has an eye-beam that shoots straight at you. It's easy to avoid though so just slash the fiend like usual [try jumping and hitting triangle] and use your spirit attack when it charges up.

This time the fiend drops bombs as it runs away when you drain about half of the red bar. But keep up your slashes and you should be able to drain his health fast enough. You'll at least charge your spirit bar this way, then you should be able to drain a large chunk of health with that attack.

############################################################################### (C-12B) CHAPTER 03 - FIEND 17 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, but you can't fight him on your first time through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Daidara Mountain - Mountain Summit

Follow the path all the way to the end and use the save point, then jump to the upper ledge to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Wind Fiend

[Body Part - Abdominal Muscles]

This fiend likes to suck you towards him, so dash away when this starts to happen before he lets out a damaging blast afterwards.

The fiend also likes to create a tornado above him that he then fires towards you, which can be dodged by dashing to the side.

Watch for a triple tornado attack [dash between them] once you reach the red bar.

Jump and hit triangle to slash the fiend effectively after using your cannons and spirit attack.

############################################################################### (C-13) CHAPTER 04 - FIEND 18 ###############################################################################

The Hill Of The Wall

Kill the enemies along the path and head for the shiny spot on your map to start a cutscene.

Kill the demon foxes and use the platforms at the right side of the wall to climb to the top, then kill the rest of the demon foxes here to start a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Three-Tailed Fox

[Body Part - Lymph Nodes]

Dash to avoid the fiend's trio of spikes, and use your cannons to start things off. Dash to the end of the wall as the fiend gets close to it, then use your spirit attack or a combo to take off a large chunk of health.

Occasionally the fiend will stand at one end of the wall and shoot a trio of fireballs, but you can easily avoid them by either dashing towards [under] them or dashing away from them.

############################################################################### (C-14) CHAPTER 04 - KIDS ###############################################################################

The Hill Of The Wall

This is another non-lethal battle, so equip the three-body slasher sword [or your strongest sword if you don't have that one] and start knocking out soldiers.

You can make things easier by luring one soldier away from the group, then kill him and kill each soldier that appears to replace him one at a time. It's slower than taking on groups, but a lot safer so it's up to you.

North Town - District 1

After you go north to get here you should use the save point. Ignore the enemies and follow the path east for a cutscene.

Crawl through the hole and smash the barrels for some poison darts. Equip the darts and crawl back through the hole, then continue down the path for a cutscene.

Dash past the enemies and crawl through a hole on your right for more darts, then crawl back and head north to a gate. Ignore the gate and crawl through a hole west of you. Follow the path [dash] west and north, then east and ignore the enemies along the way. Crawl through a hole at the end and crawl through another hole east of you. Smash the urns for some items and a lightning sword +2, then crawl back through the hole and head north to the next area.

North Town - District 2

Use the save point and ignore the enemies as you head for the first fork. Go north at this fork and go east at the next one, then smash a broken door and collect some darts and the spirit slash scroll in the area beyond.

[Smash broken doors where you see tiny passages on the map]

Work your way to the tiny alcove in the southwest corner of the map for a max HP up, then head for the northwest corner to reach the next area.

North Town - District 3

Use the save point after the cutscene and double-jump from the ramp on your left to reach the roof. Jump towards the enemies and head west, then crawl through a hole to your left when you reach the dead-end. Smash the barrels here and use another cart to get on the roof, then go south and smash the barrel south of you to get the flashing blade +2. Head west and use the cart to reach the roof, then go to the southwest corner and use a cart there to reach the next roof.

Jump north to a higher roof and carefully double-jump to the roof northeast of you, then go north across one roof and jump west over a few to reach the outer path. Follow this path south and east and head for the shiny spot on your map to start some cutscenes.

############################################################################### (C-15) CHAPTER 04 - FIEND 19 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Army Headquarters

Switch to your sword arms and use the save point, then kill the enemies and follow the west path to the next fork. Go east at this fork and smash the small object to get the sword of the white tiger. Equip the sword [but use your sword arms] as you head west and kill the enemies along the way. Smash the barrels and take the rice ball, then follow the path west to reach the next area.

South Town - Battalion A Area

Smash the urn and follow the paths south to start a cutscene and a battle.

Try to lure one enemy at a time as you kill the group of thirty, then use the save point and go south to the next area.

South Town - Black Dragon Bridge

Dash across this bridge while avoiding the enemies [or fight them if you want] and spears, then go south at the other side.

South Town - Battalion B Area

Take the first path south and ignore the enemies, then continue south at the fork and go east to the next one. Take the north route to the small clearing only if you need another shot for your knee cannon, otherwise go south and head west at the next fork.

In Front Of Daigo's Manor

Use the save point near the middle of the map, then check the stables in the bottom right corner for the Fire Sword +2 before you go south up the stairs for a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Six-Tailed Fox

[Body Part - Pancreas]

This fiend teleports around and attacks you if he gets close. Otherwise he's got a twin laser attack where the beams come together. Stand in the middle and jump the beams when they get close to avoid this attack.

Once you get down to the yellow bar the fiend has a new attack where he spits a series of electrical blasts at you. If you dash to the side you should be able to avoid this attack easily though.

Use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, then attack the fiend from the side when he comes in close.

############################################################################### (C-16) CHAPTER 04 - FIEND 20 ###############################################################################

In Front Of Daigo's Manor

Head north and use the save point, then go northeast and head east at the fork. Smash the glowing statue and use the save point again, then go northwest to the next area.

South Town - Battalion C Area

Follow the path and go east when you see the next glowing barrier. Head south and go east at the fork to find the ice sword, then head west for a spirit max [if you need it] and return north. Follow the path to the west end of the map and smash the glowing statue, then smash the object for invincibility if you want it.

Return east to the fork that had the barrier, then head northeast to the large open area of the map. Smash the barrels on both sides of the stairs for some items, then climb the stairs to reach the next area.

South Town - Blue Dragon Bridge

Smash the wooden gate on the left wall and destroy the glowing statue beyond, then return to the bridge and head north until you reach the next glowing barrier. Kill the enemies around here and carefully use your knee cannon to destroy the glowing statue above [where the blue pillar of light is]. Watch out for spears and enemies as you continue along the bridge, then go north to the next area.

South Town - Battalion D Area

Ignore the first glowing barrier and head west until you see another two more glowing barriers. Continue north past these barriers and follow the path until you're behind the first blue barrier. Smash the glowing statue to get rid of this barrier, then return to the spot in the east where the two barriers were. Enter the passage east of there to find a glowing red statue, then destroy it and head northwest to the next area.

Daigo's Army Headquarters

Head west to the clearing for a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Snake Eyes Saburota

This is another non-lethal battle, so equip your strongest sword [likely the sword of the white tiger].

When the enemy brings his spear back slowly you want to get to the side of him because he will do a quick attack in front of him that has some range to it [this attack is the best one to counterattack]. Otherwise he's got a basic 2-hit combo and sometimes a rush attack.

Daigo's Army Headquarters

Switch back to your sword arms and use the save point, then head north for some cutscenes and a battle.

Battle: Tahoumaru

This is another non-lethal battle, so equip your strongest sword [likely the sword of the white tiger].

Tahoumaru basically has either a 3-hit combo or a single slash that he does after pausing for a moment. Both are easily dodged and set you up nicely to slash him 3-4 times in the back.

Fiend Battle: Nine-Tailed Fox

[Body Part - Heart]

When all the tips of the fiend's tail glow red it fires a spread of shots followed by a single heat-seeking shot. Walk between the spread and double-jump over the last shot to doge both.

Another attack involves a trio of heat-seeking fireballs, your best bet to avoid them is to dash sideways.

The third attack takes place when the fiend is totally on fire, then he simply rushes towards you in this state. Try your best to dash away from him when this happens. Don't bother attacking him when he's on fire or when he's charging right before he's on fire, you won't damage him. Right after this attack is a great time to do a quick combo or spirit attack though.

Once you've drained a small portion of health a cutscene starts where the fiend gets wounded some more.

In this stage of the battle you need to watch out for a flurry of fireballs that you can dash away from.

The fiend also generates four small foxes that hover above you and occasionally spit fireballs. While these foxes are annoying, you can kill them for items if you want. You should kill these foxes as fast as possible to get more ammo to use on the fiend.

############################################################################### (C-16A) CHAPTER 04 - FIEND 21 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

South Town - Black Dragon Bridge

Go near the southeast corner of the bridge and find the spot on your map where you can see a smaller area crossing the bridge. Attack a wooden section of the wall here and drop down to the shiny spot to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Beast Fiend

[Body Part - Cerebral Neocortex]

The fiend's first attack has him swinging his sword overhead and trying to land on you right afterwards.

He can fire bombs at you from his backpack as well so keep moving when you see them coming.

Sometimes he will leap high into the air and try to land on you, so dash to avoid this.

He often drops a few bombs around him when you attack him at close range, so watch for them and run away before they explode.

Otherwise use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, then stick to the usual hit and run strategy or try jumping and using triangle.

############################################################################### (C-16B) CHAPTER 04 - FIEND 22 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, but you can't fight him on your first time through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

South Town - Battalion A Area

Use the save point at the south end of this area and head for the alcove at the west end. Smash the glowing object here and return to the rectangular area by the save point to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Death

[Body Part - Thyroid Gland]

This fiend fires one of two different shots when you see a colourful barrier appear briefly in front of him, but both are easily dodged.

He sometimes throws his stick down and skates towards you on it, but you can dodge this as well by moving to either side.

When close he will sometimes do a 2-hit attack, so watch for it.

He also likes to create a field on the ground around him and send powerful shots along the ground in four directions. Watch for this and move between the ground shots.

Once you reach the red bar he also swings his axe while skating, so dash when you dodge to get farther away.

Use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, then slash him like usual to end the fight.

############################################################################### (C-16C) CHAPTER 04 - FIEND 23 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, but you can't fight him on your first time through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

North Town - District 1

Use the save point and go to the north end of the map. Get near the red shiny spot and chop down the trees in your way, then go the rest of the way to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Hellcat

[Body Part - Muladhara]

This fiend takes a couple swings at you when you get close and he also likes to spin and burrow into the ground to reappear somewhere else.

Use your spirit attack and cannons to start things off, then try your best to get behind the fiend. If you can hit the fiend from behind you will do quite a bit of damage, so it's well worth trying. Otherwise DEFINITELY keep attacking if you can land at least one hit, because combos are pretty easy to keep up with this fiend.

############################################################################### (C-16D) CHAPTER 04 - FIEND 24 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, but you can't fight him on your first time through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

North Town - District 3

Take either of the south paths to reach the second section of this area, then head for the shiny spot in the clearing. Smash the four shiny statues there to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Blood Ape

[Body Part - Ribs]

This fiend has an close attack where he swings his fists at you three times.

Sometimes he will pound the ground as well, so keep your distance when that happens.

Once you get down to the yellow bar, the fiend likes to do 4-5 jumps before returning to his usual patterns.

Definitely use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, then use jumping attacks to finish the fight. It's important to note that you do MUCH more damage by attacking the fiend from the front [rather than the back], specifically his face.

############################################################################### (C-17) CHAPTER 05 - FIEND 25 ###############################################################################

Shiranui Pass

Beat the 40 soldiers in this non-lethal battle with the flashing blade +2 [or your strongest sword].

Equip the sword of the white tiger once more after the battle [for the speed] and switch back to your sword arms, then kill all 100 enemies.

Shiranui Pass

Use the save point and kill the enemies as you slash a few urns and go northeast as a cutscene starts.

Smash the urns and attack the enemies if you want, then use the save point up ahead. Approach the shiny spot on the map to start a cutscene, then kill the enemies and destroy the nearby door. Kill a few more enemies and grab the orb of light, then kill off the rest of the enemies and grab the rice ball before jumping down the hole.

Shike Temple - Basement

Open the door ahead of you and smash the pair of vases, then push in the two drawers to your left. Push the box towards the third drawer and jump on the box to push that drawer. Step on the three yellow tiles around the fire pit, then go through the hidden passage and dash down the stairs.

Enter the next passage and take the knives to your left, then punch the gong to your right and use the save point.

Go west and attack the red portion of the north wall, then jump on the block beyond and jump to the second floor from there. Smash through another wall and break the urns for some items, then return to the save room.

Go to the small alcove near the southwest corner of the room and smash a wall to get an item from an urn.

If you want to get the ice sword +2 you should hug the west wall in the southwest corner. Push the block here as far south as you can, then enter this group of blocks from the east side. Push the block in front of you as far west as it will go, then follow the passage south. Finally push another block east to get the sword.

Climb the staircase and punch the gong in the middle of the room, then jump across the platforms and go through the door south of you.

Grab the rice ball to your right and hit the gong to your left, then open the door ahead of you and watch the cutscene inside.

Shiranui Pass

Use the save point and chop down the trees by the alcove to the north, then smash the urn there to get the guardian orbs scroll. Head northeast to the clearing for a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Misaki

This is another non-lethal battle, so switch to your strongest sword [likely flashing blade +2]. This is a very easy battle, just get behind Misaki and keep slashing.

Shiranui Pass

Continue along the path and use the save point, then go to the shiny spot in the temple and try to leave to start a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Redcap

Simply get in close and hack away at this fiend while double-jumping over his green blasts.

Once you get to the yellow bar, the fiend becomes a group of rats that you can easily make short work of. Kill all the rats to get the fiend to reappear for a moment, then hack him up and repeat.

Once you reach the red bar, the fiend teleports around the room while occasionally performing a swinging attack. Slash the fiend like usual until the battle ends.

Fudou Mountain

Jump across the floating platforms while avoiding the green fireballs, then jump into the opening in the wall to clear this section.

Shiranui Pass

Head north and use the save point along the way. Continue north through the cave and carefully cross the bridge, then head west to the next area.

Fudou Mountain

Use the save point that's north of you and continue north for a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Misaki

This is another non-lethal battle, so switch to your strongest sword [likely flashing blade +2]. This is a very easy battle, just get behind Misaki and keep slashing after you avoid her charge attack.

Fudou Mountain

Continue west and jump up a series of ledges, then head north through a narrow path and use the save point there. Continue north and approach the building for a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Thunder Fiend

[Body Part - Lateral Muscles]

Equip the sword of protection [but use your sword arms] so that you have some protection against lightning.

When you see the fiend charge a big electrical sphere you want to dash out of the way because he will charge at you for a bit [very much like the earlier battle with the Nine-Tailed Fox].

Another attack has many fast electrical beams pelting you from a distance. If you run towards the fiend and stay close, then these beams shouldn't touch you.

Finally the fiend can fire a series of electrical shots that are easily avoided by dashing from side to side.

Use your spirit attack and cannons like usual, then just get in close and use combos or jumping attacks to finish the job.

############################################################################### (C-18) CHAPTER 05 - FIEND 26 ###############################################################################

Fudou Mountain

Smash the objects closest to the building after the battle to find the Poison Sword +2.

Go around the back of the building [head for the small point at the south end of the map and smash an urn there for a Flametongue +2] and continue northeast, then jump up some ledges and use the save point there. Continue east and follow the path until you reach a room with pillars. Jump up the rocky ledges in the southeast corner of this room and enter the passage north of you, then use the save point and approach the shiny spot on your map for a battle.

Fiend Battle: Legion

[Body Part - Nose]

When you see a big white ring forming, the fiend is about to let lose a large blast straight at you so dash to either side.

If you get close then the fiend will either take two swings at you, or hover up high for a moment and then land on top of you. The second move is a good one to counterattack, but both are pretty easy to avoid.

Try to keep the fiend off the ice [to make things easier for you], otherwise get your hits in when you can.

Once you get about halfway down the yellow bar a new attack gets added. Now the fiend can shoot yellow rings that fly outward and then curve in towards you. Run towards the fiend and stay close to avoid this new attack.

Once you start draining the red bar another attack gets added to the mix. Now the fiend can charge a beam of electricity and spin around slowly while firing it. As long as you double-jump over this beam when it gets close, you should be fine.

Personally I found this battle pretty tough with the sword arms, but had better luck with the flashing blade +2, so try whatever works for you.

############################################################################### (C-19) CHAPTER 05 - FIEND 27 ###############################################################################

Shiranui Pass

Use the save point and approach the temple for a cutscene, then go inside and jump down the hole.

Shike Temple - Basement

Go through the passage once more and run down the stairs, then enter the room beyond and use the save point.

Hit the gong on the second floor and go through the door, then open another door ahead of you and go through for a cutscene and battle.

Fiend Battle: Redcap

[Body Part - Left Arm]

This fiend teleports and has a quick blast that you can jump over like the last time that you fought him.

He can now create many green orbs that slowly follow you. You can't destroy them so just dash away and keep your distance from them.

At the red bar the fiend will sometimes use a spinning attack, like when you fought him the last time.

Otherwise use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, and finish the job with your usual hit and run slashes.

Shiranui Pass

Equip Genbu as your sword and use the save point that's south of you. Smash the nearby statue and follow the path southeast to end the chapter.

############################################################################### (C-19A) CHAPTER 05 - FIEND 28 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Shiranui Pass

Go to the clearing at the south-most point in this area, then kill a small group of demon wheels to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Giant Inferno Wheel

[Body Part - Bone Marrow]

Equip the sword of protection or one of the fire swords to protect you against fire for this fight [continue to use your sword arms though].

Other than just rolling at you this fiend sometimes backs off for a moment and then makes his flames higher while dashing at you. Dash to either side to avoid the attack, then get in a few hits of your own by attacking the fiend from the side.

Once you reach the red bar the fiend will sometimes become a spinning flame that dashes after you. Just dash away from him when this happens to avoid it.

Use your cannons and spirit attack before resorting to close-range hit and run tactics.

############################################################################### (C-19B) CHAPTER 05 - FIEND 29 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Shike Temple - Basement

Jump down the hole in the temple to get down here, then head down the stairs once more and use the save point. Hit the gong on the floor above you and go through the door that opens, then head down the hall to the room ahead.

Jump along the platforms at the back of the room to reach the higher one, then attack the small metal circle on the wall. Drop to the ground and go through the new passage to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Soul Stealer

[Body Part - Large Intestines]

Equip a sword that protects against ice [but use your sword arms to fight with].

The fiend dashes at you five times when he turns red, and he also likes to spin while shooting some freeze shots. Sometimes he does a faster zigzagging dash when he turns red as well. He will also try to land on you from above on occasion [be sure to jump because the shockwaves can damage you].

All these attacks are pretty easy to spot and quite easy to dash away from. So stick with your cannons and spirit attack to start, then counter the fiend's attacks and hit and run if you need to.

############################################################################### (C-19C) CHAPTER 05 - FIEND 30 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Fudou Mountain

Go to the room with the pillars at the east end of this area, then jump up the ledges to the upper section. Use the save point in the passage north of you, then return to the pillar room and head east onto a wooden ledge. Carefully jump from this ledge onto the raised tile below [use your shadow to help position yourself] to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Minotaur

[Body Part - Pelvis]

When you see two green points, the fiend fires two beams and then spreads them outwards. So keep your distance as you dash away from this attack.

When you see a large green spot, the fiend will charge at you so dash to either side to avoid it.

Watch the fiend's shadow carefully when he leaps high in the air, so that he doesn't land on you.

Use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, then try your best to slice the fiend in the face as you hit and run.

############################################################################### (C-20) CHAPTER 06 - FIEND 31 ###############################################################################

Town Of Busshi

Smash the urns and attack the enemies along the path [look left at the very first hill and jump into an alcove left of a large wooden wheel, smash the object here for the divine justice scroll], then take a few more steps and jump into ANOTHER alcove on this side of the path [just behind the two pillars]. Smash the object here for the blade of tears +2, then smash an object in the southeast corner for the sword of clarity +2. Continue along the path to the north end of this area to start a battle.

Battle: Misaki

This is another non-lethal battle, so switch to your strongest sword [likely Genbu or sword of clarity +3].

Misaki has a 3-hit combo where the third hit is a spinning one, so make sure you don't get caught behind her on the third hit. Otherwise she will dash at you and try to get one stab in after shining for a brief moment. Jump over her as needed and attack her in the back to end this battle quickly.

Town Of Busshi

Use the nearby save point and head north to the next area.

Cursed Forest

This maze can be really annoying but I have drawn a map to help you get through it. This map can be found on the sites where I host this FAQ, but I will also draw it here in the FAQ as well.

to B  J  to D
  ^   |   ^     EXIT
  |   |   |    /
  |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |

to L<-H---C---E---L->to H | | | | | | to D<-B---A---D->to B | | | V | V to I | to F | START

The map should be enough alone to get through the maze, but if you get lost you can also refer to the areas by the enemies within them.

A = golems, beetles & imps B = green imps & red imps C = living walls & beetles D = stone walls & flying demons E = no enemies F = two beetles G = golems, beetles & stunners H = green imps & red imps I = demon weeds & living walls (1 fiend) J = beetles, & Sword of Protection +2 K = skeletons, beetles & stunners L = demon weeds

So basically you want to go from "A" to "K" [be sure to go to J at some point for the Sword of Protection +2] to reach a save point and the exit to this maze. See the section below on "" If you want fight the fiend at "I".

Gates Of Hell

Kill the enemies ahead of you and go through the nearby gates to start a cutscene.

Gates Of Hell

A 3 minute timer starts now so run to the front of the temple, then go through a hole to your left. Run past the enemies and attack the cracked section of wall to continue north. Head east and carefully jump across the spikes, then jump onto the large object. Jump to the branch on your right next and up to the roof from there. Go right along the roof until you see a small ledge, then jump to that ledge. Jump to the top section with the skeletons next and attack the nearby doors to get them open, then drop down the hole to start a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Midoro

[Body Part - Right Eye]

This fiend runs around and either dashes at you or shoots a blast of air when he stops moving [he also teleports].

Use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off [when the fiend stops moving]. Use jumping attacks while the fiend is moving [if you want], otherwise stick to combos after he attacks.

After this battle your combos will be faster and stronger.

############################################################################### (C-21) CHAPTER 06 - FIEND 32 ###############################################################################

Gates Of Hell

Kill all 100 enemies here to start a cutscene, then return to the cursed forest and use the save point there.

Cursed Forest

Use the map from "CHAPTER 06 - FIEND 31" above to get back through this maze and reach the town again.

Town Of Busshi

Use the save point and enter the clearing to start a battle.

Fiend Battle: Boar Fiend

[Body Part: Pectoralis Muscle]

The fiend's first attack has him swinging his sword overhead and trying to land on you right afterwards.

He can fire bombs at you from his backpack as well so keep moving when you see them coming.

Sometimes he will leap high into the air and try to land on you, so dash to avoid this.

He often drops a few bombs around him when you attack him at close range, so watch for them and run away before they explode.

He also summons enemies during the fight, but you can ignore them for the most part.

Otherwise use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, then stick to the usual hit and run strategy or try jumping and using triangle.

Town Of Busshi

Use the save point once more and go south through the town to start a cutscene and finish the chapter.

############################################################################### (C-21A) CHAPTER 06 - FIEND 33 ###############################################################################

You can return to this chapter at any time to find this fiend, or even find him during your first trip through the chapter. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Cursed Forest

Use the map in "CHAPTER 06 - FIEND 31" above to reach "I", then smash the giant stone head at the south end of the map to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Cursed Monk

[Body Part - Ajna]

Equip a sword that protects against poison [eg: sword of protection], but use your sword arms to fight.

This fiend likes to run away and teleport a lot rather than fight. He tends to stick his long tongue out at you when he does decide to attack. Dodge to either side when this happens and get in few combos.

When the fiend raises his staff you need to dodge a yellow beam or you will get stunned for a moment.

Once you reach the yellow bar you might see the fiend using a flaming uppercut attack. You'll see this coming when he starts to twist, so back up a bit to avoid it.

Your cannons don't do much damage, so use your spirit attack to start things off before finishing the fight with your combos.

############################################################################### (C-21B) CHAPTER 02 - FIEND 34 ###############################################################################

You can only find this fiend once you have finished chapter 06. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Saruta Shrine

Use the save point at the bottom of the stairs, then enter the shrine to start the fight.

Fiend Battle: Fiend Misaki

[Body Part - Right Leg]

Equip a sword that protects against fire so that you take less damage, then use your sword arms for the fight. You can try to use your cannons if you want, but the fiend is pretty quick.

This fiend has a flaming lunge attack, so double-jump over it and counter-attack from behind.

She also throws explosive darts on occasion, but they shouldn't bother you if you keep moving.

Finally she has a flaming uppercut type of attack, but if you keep your distance you don't need to worry about it.

A 3-hit combo is sometimes used once you reach the yellow bar, so watch out for it.

Otherwise counter-attack the fiend in the back with your combos after using your spirit attack to finish the fight pretty quickly. Once all health is drained you will see the fiend start to fly around, so chase it down and drain the last of it's health to end the battle.

Now you can dash even faster, your leg cannon does more damage and can even blow up certain barriers, plus you can hold twice as much ammo for it now.

############################################################################### (C-21C) CHAPTER 02 - FIEND 35 ###############################################################################

You can only find this fiend once you have finished chapter 06 AND got the right leg from "CHAPTER 06 - FIEND 34" above. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Mujou Fields

Head for the circular area of the map at the east end with all the pillars and use the save point there. Use your knee cannon to destroy part of the wall behind the save point, then enter the area beyond to start the battle.

Fiend Battle: Draconus

[Body Part - Liver]

Equip a sword that protects against fire, otherwise use your sword arms to fight.

Watch out for the fiend trying to land on you as well as a spread shot.

Avoid the fiend swinging its head at you at close range.

A sweeping flamethrower-style attack may also be used, but since it's pretty long you can easily get to the side of the fiend and use a combo or two.

Use your cannons and spirit attack to start, then use your combos to finish the job.

############################################################################### (C-21D) CHAPTER 01 - FIEND 36 ###############################################################################

If you want to see an extra cutscene you should leave at least one fiend [like this one] to fight later, then go finish chapter 07. If you beat all the extra fiends before clearing chapter 07, then you won't see the cutscene, but it's up to you.

You can only find this fiend once you have finished chapter 06 AND got the right leg from "CHAPTER 06 - FIEND 34" above. If you find the fiend too hard right now you can always come back once you have better weapons or more body parts.

Ancient Bamboo Thicket

Head east to the next section and go north one more section, then look for the gigantic rocks along the northwest section of the map. Use your knee cannon to blast away the rock, then use the save point up ahead. Check the southeast area of this clearing for an urn, then smash it to get the great lotus sword. Chop down the bamboo nearby and enter the clearing to start a cutscene and the battle.

Fiend Battle: Maimai' Onba

[Body Part - Vissudha]

This fiend likes to glide and fire lightning at you, but you can easily dodge to either side.

She will also spin on occasion when you get close, so watch for it.

Sometimes she summons enemies to annoy you, but they're pretty slow.

Basically you want to use your cannons and spirit attack to deal major damage, then use jumping slashes to finish the job.

############################################################################### (C-22) CHAPTER 07 - CASTLE SECRETS ###############################################################################

Daigo's Territory - North Town

Head south and grab a round for your leg cannon from the alcove on your left, then continue south to the fork. Head east and smash the barrels to find the luck blade +2, then return to the fork and head north until you reach another one.

Go north and smash a barrel for some arm cannon ammo, then enter the small alcove along the east path of the fork. Collect the leg cannon ammo and head north to the next section.

Jump over the roof to reach the inner area, then kill the enemies if you want the experience for your sword arms. Jump up some boxes near the southeast corner to reach the roof, then jump north across a few roofs and follow the trail of Jyukai's medicine.

Jump over the north-most roof and follow the path east and south, then enter the alcove and use the cart in the southeast corner to reach the roof. Head east if you need some ammo or spirit energy, otherwise go counter-clockwise along the roofs. Go south and jump up the floating stairs, then use the nearby savepoint and continue north to reach the next area.

Daigo's Castle - Main Gate

Kill the enemies and smash the barrels in the alcoves, then approach the gates to start a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Soldiers

This is another non-lethal battle, so try to hit the soldiers in the back.

Try to take on each soldier one at a time and dash to run away if you need to. Otherwise you want to cut the support beams of each watch tower until it separates, then watch as the tower crumbles.

Once all 30 soldiers are knocked out, you can enter the castle.

Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor

Kill the enemies and look for the closest pillar to the entrance on the east side. Look up this pillar and you should see a small platform with a sword on it. You want to face east and jump up this pillar to reach that sword. While you do this you should hold forward to keep from sliding down again. Once you make it to the top, you'll get the phoenix sword.

Otherwise jump up the narrow beam by the west wall to reach the ledge above, then use the save point just south of you. Watch out for lasers as you work your way to the door in the northwest corner, then open the door and ride the elevator inside.

Daigo's Castle - 2nd Floor

Kill all the specters here and go back to the previous floor.

Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor

Use the save point once more, then ride the elevator in the northeast corner.

Daigo's Castle - 2nd Floor

Kill the golems to open the door, then use the save point once more and return here.

Go down the hall to the next room and fight a group of slimy enemies, then use the previous save point if you want before you use the next elevator.

Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor

Follow the passage and hit the switch on the wall, then drop to the ground. Kill the enemies and watch for flamethrowers, then enter the northeast alcove and hit the switch there to raise the bridge. Go to the southwest alcove and jump up the beam to reach the upper level, then hit the switch once more to rotate the bridge. Cross the bridge to the other side and hit the switch on your right, then use the nearby elevator.

Daigo's Castle - 2nd Floor

Take the items and kill the imps in the next room, then take the next elevator.

Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor

Cross the bridge and use the elevator on the other side.

Daigo's Castle - 2nd Floor

Watch the spikes and flames in this room for a moment to get a sense for the pattern, then go along the right section of spikes [when they're down] and jump on the flat part of the falling spikes ahead of you. Jump across the next set of spikes and dash past the flamethrowers to reach the next part of the room.

For this section you need to be quick, otherwise you'll get roasted by the flamethrowers up high. Basically you want to jump across the two falling spike traps and smash the item on the altar ahead of you.

Now simply work your way back across the room and use the elevator again.

Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor

Cross the bridge and use the elevator on the other side.

Daigo's Castle - 2nd Floor

Work your way to the narrow passage and fall down the hole there.

Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor

Use the save point and go up the ramp to start a cutscene.

############################################################################### (C-23) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 37 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Castle - Basement

Jump on the platform in the southeast corner and start working your way west across the platforms by the south wall [if you cross the other set of platforms by the north wall then you will find the void scroll]. Hit the switch at the shiny spot on your map [in an alcove] to open a door, then drop to the ground and use the save point beyond the door. Open the next door and walk on through to start a battle.

Fiend Battle: Dragon Tank

Grab the fire bombs from the alcove at the north end of the room, then wait by one of the walls until the tank stops moving. Dash beside it as you avoid its fire and use a fire bomb or two. This knocks the tank into the pit in the middle of the room and ends the battle.

Daigo's Castle - Basement

Use the save point once more and head down the stairs east of you for a cutscene, then enter the only open cell [northeast corner] to get the sword of the twin clouds.

Head south down more stairs and avoid the enemies, then use another save point and kill all the enemies in the room. Use your fire bombs if you need to [especially on the golems] and use the rock in the southwest corner to reach the upper enemies. Use the save point once more and head north for a cutscene.

Use circle in front of the cell doors to open them as you rescue the 10 prisoners, fight enemies and collect items. You can find the sword of the white tiger +2 in one of the south cells [smash a pot, and reload your previous save if you miss it], but go back east after the prisoners are free.

Use a couple of dashes to run away from the Dragon Tank and start another battle.

Fiend Battle: Dragon Tank

[Body Part - Teeth]

Jump up the wooden steps [switch to the normal camera if needed] to get some fire bombs [which respawn] and rice balls [if you're low on HP].

The tank tries to run you over and also shoots a beam from its tail, but both are easily dashed away from.

Occasionally he will stop and shoot sweeping fire in front of him, but you can get to the side of him or behind to avoid this.

When the tank goes up on its back wheels for a moment it will charge at you, so dash to the side.

Don't throw your fire bombs unless the tank isn't moving, which is usually after a fire or tail beam attack.

############################################################################### (C-24) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 38 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor

Use the save point and go up the ramp

Daigo's Castle - 3rd Floor

Go behind the windows and dispatch 10 of Daigo's soldiers while looking awesome.

Go through the door and kill some enemies before using the save point, then go east to start a battle.

Fiend Battle: Demon Ogress

[Body Part - Lungs]

This fiend has the same attacks as the ogress fiend that you fought earlier in the game.

This fiend flies around while you fight and if it gets close it pauses for a second then does a spinning punch. Luckily it's easy to spot this attack and jump away in time.

The other attack involves the fiend raising a hand to the sky and getting struck by lightning. As soon as you see this jump out of the way because the fiend fires that lightning at you next.

Another attack involves the fiend charging red energy and firing a shot at the ground that then sends a wave of energy towards you. It sounds menacing, but you can easily dodge to either side of the wave.

The fiend fires 3 beams from up high [from left to right] once you reach the red bar. Avoid the fiend's beams, then attack like usual once the fiend returns to the ground.

Use your spirit attack and cannons [especially the leg cannon] to start things off, then counterattack after the fiend's spinning punch [or lightning, but I find the punch easier].

############################################################################### (C-25) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 39 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Castle - 3rd Floor

Go back and use the save point, then return here and jump on the box near the southwest corner. Open the door and jump the gap to reach the next room, then kill the enemies that appear. Enter the next room and smash some pots before using the save point, then enter the door in the southwest corner. Dash past the flamethrowers and wait until you're close to the next platform, then jump onto it to start a cutscene and a battle.

Battle: Snake Eyes Saburota

Saburota has one attack where he spins his flaming spear around behind him for a bit, then throws it at you, so dodge to either side to avoid it.

After leaping into the air spinning he will do a WIDE slash towards you, so run away when you see him spin into the air.

He dashes around sometimes and he has a few different close-range combos, but they're all pretty similar.

Use your leg cannon to start things off, then move to your spirit attack and arm cannon. This will deplete a LOT of his health and you can finish the job with a few combos of your own.

Daigo's Castle - 3rd Floor

Return to the previous save point and smash the explosive boxes on the floor below for cannon ammo, then come back here and go east into a small passage. Kill the enemies in the next room, then continue east to start a battle.

Fiend Battle: White Dragon

[Body Part - Skull]

This dragon freezes you a lot so equip a sword that protects against ice, the phoenix works very well if you have it.

The fiend jumps around and freezes the area around him when he lands, but if you have a proper sword equipped then you don't need to worry.

He also has a spin attack when you get too close or a head sweep, but both are easily avoided by backing up a bit.

Once you reach the red bar you need to watch for some sweeping ice-breath, but you can dash away to avoid it and of course the right sword helps too.

Use your cannons and spirit attack to really start things off, then finish the job with your sword arms if needed.

############################################################################### (C-26) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 40 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Castle - 3rd Floor

Go back to the room where you fought Saburota, then use the elevator south of you.

Daigo's Castle - 4th Floor

Use the save point and go down the nearby elevator.

Daigo's Castle - Basement

Go past the cells where you released the prisoners earlier, then go up the stairs north of you.

Daigo's Castle - Stables

Open the door and inter the next area to start a battle.

Fiend Battle: Three Face

[Body Part - Sahasrara]

This fiend has the exact same attacks as the Inquisitor fiend that you fought in chapter 1.

The red face on this fiend does a clockwise spinning flamethrower attack.

The yellow face runs around while dropping bombs behind it.

The blue face doesn't attack at all and just runs away from you.

Once you reach the yellow bar, the fiend will sometimes create smaller enemies for you to fight.

Use your cannons to start things off, then hit and run with your sword blades.

############################################################################### (C-27) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 41 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Castle - 4th Floor

Use the save point and kill the enemies east of you, then enter the outdoor section and kill some more. Use the platforms along the wall to reach a few alcoves, then enter the hallway where the middle alcove should be. Follow this hallway to reach a room and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Bloodgore

[Body Part - Svadhistana]

This fiend takes wide swings that also make purple whirlwinds, but both are easy to dodge.

He also does a triple-stab combo, but you can dodge to either side.

The fiend sometimes makes a slow ball of energy and fires it at you, but you can dodge to the side like his other attacks.

Use your cannons and spirit attack to start things off, then you can easily finish the job with your combos.

############################################################################### (C-28) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 42 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Castle - 4th Floor

Return to the save point before heading to the outdoor section once more, then head north and either jump across the platform or take the passage before heading west. Check the alcoves for a few items along the way, then jump to the platform in the corner and head south.

Check the middle alcove for a hallway and follow it to start a battle.

Fiend Battle: Carrion Feeder

[Body Part - Anahata]

This fiend shoots a few green blasts when you see a green spinning charge, but you can easily dodge them.

You need to watch for an energy wave when you see a normal green charge, so dash to either side to avoid it.

Otherwise use your cannons on the eye and your spirit attack on the hand, before finishing the job with some jumping slashes.

############################################################################### (C-29) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 43 ###############################################################################

Daigo's Castle - 4th Floor

Head to the north section of the map and look for a pair of white sections on your map. Drop off the ledge at one of these points to land on a platform below, then enter the nearby door and head east.

Kill the Clockwork enemies here [especially if you don't have the Muramasa sword yet], then hit the first switch to move a door right behind you. Go through this door into the second room and hit the switch there to move the door left. Enter the third room and hit the switch to get it to sink into the floor. Return to the second room and hit the switch once more to move the door back right. Go to the first room and continue south to a new room, then hit the switch here until you can't hit it anymore. Hit the switch in the wall ahead of you, then turn around and go north one room and east into a new room. Smash the pot here to find the fiend slayer sword, then leave this room and go west.

Jump on top of the piles of spears for some leg cannon ammo, then kill the enemies and fight your way up the nearby stairs. Enter the room at the top for a battle.

Battle: Soldiers

This is another non-lethal battle, so try to hit the soldiers in the back.

Try to take on each soldier one at a time and dash to run away if you need to.

Daigo's Castle - 4th Floor

Use the save point after the battle and head north into the large room for a cutscene and a battle.

Fiend Battle: Chimera

[Body Parts - Gall Bladder, Thymus Gland, Diaphragm, Lacrimal Glands, Pituitary Gland]

When you see sparks around the fiend's face then he's going to charge at you, so dash to the side.

Sparks on the tail means that it's going to jab you at close range.

It the tail pokes into the ground then you need to dash QUICKLY or you will get knocked high into the air.

Once you reach the yellow bar the fiend will shoot beams into the air that come down on you, so dash to avoid them.

If the boss stops moving while facing towards or away from you, then you need to sometimes watch for a large beam. As long as you keep moving, then you should be ok.

Otherwise you want to use your cannons and spirit attacks to start things off, then get in close and finish the job.

############################################################################### (C-30) CHAPTER 07 - FIEND 44 ###############################################################################

Fiend Battle: Fiend Tahoumaru

If you get close, then this fiend will likely pull his weapon back and swing it hard at you. Watch for this and get out of the way before he does.

If you see the fiend pointing his weapon at you then you need to jump to dodge a trio of electrical shots [dashing works some of the time, but jumping is more effective].

Sometimes the fiend will create a large field around himself and slowly move towards you. Bs sure to dash away from him when this happens.

Once you reach the red bar you need to watch out for a teleport-slash combo and a fast teleport-triple shot combo.

When you see the fiend slump over like his tired, you need to attack him quickly because he's healing himself.

Otherwise use your cannons and spirit attack if you have some left over from the previous battle to start. Finish the job with some combos after the fiend's attacks and use your spirit attack whenever it's ready.

Watch the cutscenes after the battle and the first ending if you didn't get all the optional body parts earlier.

If you already have all the other body parts, then the final chapter will open up now after some cutscenes. If not, then you need to go back and fight the remaining fiends, then this chapter will open up.

############################################################################### (C-31) FINAL CHAPTER ###############################################################################

  • 10 Cannons
  • At least 2 Lifes
  • Sword of Eigth Cloud
  • Phoenix Sword

Fiend Battle: Behemoth

[Body Part - Right Arm]

[Part 01]

The fiend has twin beams that close in towards you and create walls of flames, but you can easily run away from them.

Otherwise the fiend fires groups of purple [slower] or brown [faster] shots at you, that can be dashed away from.

Once you reach the red bar you sometimes have to watch for TWO rounds of these shots.

You can only damage the fiend with your leg cannon right now so you have to be very careful with your aim. The best time to attack is during the fiend's twin beam attack because he doesn't move at all and you can really aim carefully.

Once you drain all 3 bars of health you will enter the next part of the fight.

[Part 02]

It's kind of hard to time, but you need to attack the hand [in sword mode with a strong sword like phoenix] as it swings towards you. Once you get a few good hits in it flops to the ground. Jump on the hand at this point and ride it up to the fiend's face, then lay into him with your combos.

When you get dropped back on the ground you need to repeat the pattern until all 3 bars are drained.

[Part 03]

You want to use a sword of clarity to protect yourself from being stunned in this part of the battle. Otherwise you should use the phoenix when you're actually attacking. Don't use your sword arms in this part of the fight.

Basically you want to run around behind the fiend and run up his tail to get on his back. At this point you should use your phoenix to destroy one of the six horns on his back. Each horn breaks twice before it is completely destroyed, so don't move onto another horn when the first one has only broken once.

The fiend's main attack from its mouth is the most damaging but as long as you're not in front of him, you can avoid it. It will usually hit you after being lifted off the fiend's back[but even still try to move away from it and double-jump as you fall], so you better have some 1ups. Although the sword of clarity will protect you from being stunned, you will still take damage from the bolts and ground waves. So dash to avoid the bolts as best as you can and jump into the air when the wave comes.

[Part 04]

Equip the phoenix sword and face the fiend as he flies straight at you, then start a combo when he gets close enough so you slice his face to ribbons.

You have to make sure that you score almost every hit in your combo to completely drain the fiend's health, otherwise he flies up and refills all his health before attacking again. It is hard to do, but I managed it by using a square combo

Once you manage to score enough damage in a single combo though, the fiend's heart becomes exposed momentarily. Dash over to the heart and equip the Sword of the Eighth Cloud, or use The Sword of the Twin Clouds if you don't have it. Basically you need to charge your sword to enter the combo mode and successfully get 48 slices.

This can be quite hard without either of the two swords mentioned above, but with them it becomes VERY easy. With The Sword of the Twin Clouds you're only actually hitting the fiend 24 times, and with the Sword of the Eighth Cloud you're only actually hitting him 16 times. Whichever way you choose you need to make sure that you don't mess up and you HAVE TO FINISH YOUR COMBO [with triangle]!

Once you manage this the battle is over, you get your last body part and can watch the ending!

[You also unlock Concept Art #07, Concept Art #12 & Concept Art #20 for the gallery.]

############################################################################### (D) TIPS ###############################################################################

Hold triangle and release it once your sword flashes to do a very powerful attack, then quickly follow the buttons that appear on the screen. You want to get the sequence correct and finish it [by hitting triangle] before the time meter reaches the right side. So basically be as fast and accurate as possible before the finish to deal the most damage. Also the better the you do, the more items appear if you kill the enemy with the finisher. You can only use the finisher after every four button presses, otherwise it doesn't work properly. A higher luck stat helps rare items like swords to appear as well.

Collect 100 of Jyukai's medicine to get a 1up.

When fighting the majority of the fiends, you should always use your spirit attack, your arm cannon and your leg cannon before you resort to getting in close and attacking. This way the fiend is usually quite weak before you've even begun to really fight, plus you will build up some more spirit energy.

Go close to Dororo when she has picked up some items to collect them yourself.

Although it's possible to fight optional/hidden fiends on your first trip through a chapter, they will get marked on your map with red shiny spots when you revisit the chapter.

If you want to see an extra cutscene you should leave at least one extra fiend to fight later, then go finish chapter 07. If you beat all the extra fiends before clearing chapter 07, then you won't see the cutscene, but it's up to you.


############################################################################### (F) SPIRIT ATTACK SCROLLS ###############################################################################


Location: [CH2] - Mujou Fields In the area with the firewheels and stone pillars to jump across. Look for a ledge to your right near the save point and jump onto it, then double jump southeast across similar ledges. Cross a bridge and smash a couple of urns for items, then pick up the nearby scroll.

############################################################################### (G) SWORDS ###############################################################################

Unmarked Blade [Level 03]

"Necessary for survival for samurai. Though it's not stamped by its maker, it is perfectly usable."

You start with this sword, so at the very beginning of the game it is stronger than your sword arms.

=============================================================================== Luck Blade [Level 12]

"Images of the gods of Fortune are carved into the blade. The wielder's luck is increased."

Location: [CH1] - Ancient Bamboo Thicket Go to the northeast area and head for the spot where all the gold was buried, then pick up the sword there.

=============================================================================== Sword of Protection [Level 15]

"A sword covered in magical charms, it protects its wielder from harm. It has the power to protect against poison, fire, lightning and cold."

Location: [CH3] - Daidara Mountain - Fuuma Temple This sword is found behind the giant heart that you fight with Dororo.

=============================================================================== Flashing Blade +2 [Level 28]

"On occasion, will cause a bright flash of light, killing enemies with a single hit."

Location: [CH4] - North Town - District 3 Check your map for two square areas near the east end, you want to get inside the lower of these areas. You can crawl through a hole on the west side as Dororo to get inside, or you can use a cart along the bottom horizontal path to get onto a roof. Once up here you can work your way east to get inside. Either way you want to smash the barrels inside to find the sword.

Flametongue +2 [Level 30]

"The owner's spirit burns with great energy, causing the spirit gauge to fill faster."

Location: [CH5] - Fudou Mountain In the section of map with the large circular area and a temple in the northeast area. Go to the small area at the south end of the map and smash an urn to get the sword.

=============================================================================== Genbu

"Genbu grows sharper as it cuts more enemies. It used to be attached to Hyakkimaru's left arm."

Location: [CH5] - Shike Temple - Basement You will get this sword once you beat Redcap for good.

=============================================================================== Sword of Protection +2 [Level 35]

"A sword covered in magical charms, it protects its wielder from harm. It has the power to protect against poison, fire, lightning and cold."

Location: [CH6] - Cursed Forest Go to point "J" on the map and smash all the urns there to find the sword.

Phoenix Sword [Level 55]

"It fills the wielder's health and defends against poison, fire, lightning, and cold attacks."

Location: [CH7] - Daigo's Castle - 1st Floor Look for the closest pillar to the entrance [on the east side] when you first come inside the castle. Look up this pillar and you should see a small platform with a sword on it. You want to face east and jump up this pillar to reach that sword. While you do this you should hold forward to keep from sliding down again. Once you make it to the top, you'll get the sword.

Sword of the Eighth Cloud [Level 30]

"A ceremonial sword whose tip is split into seven blades. Most effective with the Slice Attack."

Location: [CH7] - Daigo's Castle - Castle Tower Revisit the chapter and go to the last area where you fought the Chimera, the sword is in plain view.
