Strafe Jumping Tutorials
Strafe Jumping Tutorials
更新済み 1 year ago 投稿者: aleckermit

Strafe jumping is moderately beneficial in the levels Trouble in Paradise and Night of the Jackal because of their larger spaces but is only minimally useful in other levels. The video tutorials below are listed in order of usefulness. The movement speedometer can be found on the resources page.

Wallslide Strafe Jumping is the easiest and most useful form of strafe jumping, allowing you to build speed very quickly.

Basic Strafe Jumping can be used anywhere but accelerates slowly and is difficult to control through AUF's more cramped maps. It's typically not worth it to attempt a small one-or-two-jump strafe unless you'll be heading directly at your target when doing so (never give up your line for a strafe jump). Wallsliding is also a better option when available.

High Score IL Category Added!

It's very clear that the primary challenge that the developers of Agent Under Fire wanted the player to partake in was obtaining high scores. You need high scores to unlock single and multiplayer rewards and your highest scores are saved and displayed under each mission. Naturally, the beginnings of

1 year ago
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投稿日 6 years ago
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