Is this illegal?
1 year ago

ya i don't think it's legal. slowing down the game isn't in the rules and counts as a emulatore

Luis_sm これを好き

It was me the dude. And it was for purposes of recording but yea. Im still pretty sad and im not going to enter in that mode ever again. I replied in YT with a more advanced explanation :(

But im still very concerned about how many damage is going to cause in my channel. And again. I did it legit with 30 FPS. And then for the recording i changed it to 10 FPS. But im still trying to get one with a good time that also dont uses that.

I know i edit so much. But that i used that option for the recording. Doesnt mean that i cheated all of my runs. And if sadly this isnt enough. Then just. Please i dont want to get banned :( If they ban me i literally will cry

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
CuteRabbit, TheGreatYoKai, そして kanuburgetz これを好き

I'm sorry (I accidently deleted the post but I was suppose to edit ) I'm not saying anything of you about cheating but I was just confused if you could do that... I'm sorry for the second time I never wanted to say but I was curious and maybe if that would help speedrunning for more inconsistent strategies in a faster time. And I never knew there were such stuff as 10FPS, I only knew about 30 FPS and 60FPS. Again, never meant to say you cheated, I'm appreciate your video's, I like to see other speedrunners runs to see what strategies and stuff they've found. Luis_sm you're nice :) Don't hate me pls (what a worse way to end a post) sorry :(

CuteRabbit, TheGreatYoKai, そして Luis_sm これを好き

Honestly, I also do it sometimes, such as when I speedrun difficult levels (not in the ASC) and I also tried it with the ASC lvl. 6 to try to get sub 6 - but I failed.

Actually I think changing the fps thing isn't bad. Once I tried to play Appel with 60 fps, and then, when I switched it back to 30 fps, I saw the player going very slowly, because my brain got used with a faster mode.

Besides, slowing down the game means that to complete a level you will have to spend more time, and that's an important fact. Also, I think that people who do this shouldn't be banned, but advised about what could be the consequences.

Well, that's all I had to say...

CuteRabbit そして Luis_sm これを好き

Common why you say i hate you? How im going to hate you? I dont hate you and never will hate you. Btw i found out that in Turbowarp you can put FPS numbers lower than 30. Not like Scratch Addons that the min is 30 FPS.

Btw thanks bro :)

CuteRabbit そして kanuburgetz これを好き

How in the world you even set the FPS to 10 ffff edit: the whole ASC 8 entries don't have video's lol

編集者 投稿者 1 year ago
CuteRabbit これを好き
Hong Kong

If you want your recording quality to be good, tbh just using interpolation is enough imo. If you want to be super professional for some reason, just crop the video, and record an audio of 30fps. Showing 10fps with a super weird audio is definitely looking suspicious to a regular human being.

All in all, banning doesn't exist in It just means that the moderator hates you and'll reject every single run you submitted. As someone who has been accused before, I understand. In this community, if something's not terribly horrible, banning wouldn't happen here :)

Luis_sm そして kanuburgetz これを好き

Luis? Cheater.I know him.

レベル: Level 3 - Keymaster
レベル: Level 2 - Slick Climb
レベル: Level 7 - Smashing Tunnel
レベル: Level 1 - Birth of Legends
レベル: Level 2 - Slick Climb
投稿日 3 months ago
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