Title. A friend and i have been getting into running k2 and as a way to start out and get more comfy to needle were currently only running to bosh rush (fullgame soon who knows). Perhaps its worth to add that category on the site? Nader would probably have record in his own fullgame run but still it might be cool to go more aggressive on the needle part of the game (even though k2 is more boss focused). Plus you would have 2 people who would submit if the category existed. Besides, 100% is empty (thanks Cake) and that one also exists (not gonna talk about all achievements, bad category).
We (Ruby not me but i like saying we) are also working on an autosplitter ready for the remake, seems to work until boss rush at least. Some time ago I also made a spreadsheet with all achievement requirements and shard locations which might also be good to add. I dont recall how we add resources here as non verifier but i wanted to mention these.