Series Moderation
8 years ago
United States

I'm removing the series moderators for now and I put them as moderators in a couple of the games where it made sense. Mario and Zelda also have no series moderators. No issues were brought up, but it seems to make the most sense given that series moderators didn't have power in most of the games anyway. I just noticed this when I was adding more games to the series.

If the series as a whole wants to organize some people to put "in charge", I'm mostly fine with this, but for now it seems like the games want to operate on their own for the most part.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I read over the rules, and they do sound like regular 'New Game' rules to me. What about them would be questionable?

Gelderland, Netherlands

I think in general for every game it would be best to see if it would be possible to get a 2nd moderator if another runner happens to show up. On a game hardly anyone runs this can be easier said then done (I have the same problem modding the regular Dissidia), but if at all possible it should be. Not only for consistency in rules, but also in case something where to happen to one of the moderators. In order for that to happen it'll take some time for some games (both DFF and D012FF being no exceptions), but eventually another runner miht show up and you can see how to aproach it from there.

Rules can always be changed if it suits the need, and if it really makes things different there is always the option of adding a seperate category for it.

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