Best Ending Guide
Best Ending Guide
Aggiornato 2 years ago di Mr_Shasta

Since putting out this guide last year, I've learned you don't need to kill the golden enemies in each level to get the best ending, so don't worry about that. That being said, if anyone does a run of All Golden Enemies Best Ending, let me know and I'll make a board for it.

Cozy Forest 1:

  • Golden enemy is along the normal path
  • Before exiting level, jump on platform above the exit and follow it to the flower switch and push it, then exit the level

Cozy Forest 2:

  • After the first climb, fall down to find the golden enemy
  • To the right of the golden enemy is a hidden path. Follow it to get the seed in the bubble
  • Fly past Cricket without hitting him, then exit the level

Cheerful Flower 1:

  • You pushed the switch in Cozy Forest 1, so you don't need to do anything special in this level!
  • Get the dash from the Fairy
  • Golden enemy is a butterfly on the path shortly after where the Fairy is

Cheerful Flower 2:

  • Golden enemy is a butterfly diagonal up left from the exit
  • Above the exit, there's a series of bubbles. Have them carry you up then keep going left until you fall in a ditch. Inside are 2 Piranha Plant looking enemies. Destroy them then exit the level

Gloomy Road 1:

  • Get the Dash from the Fairy
  • Golden enemy is pretty much diagonally up right from where you start the level on a leaf, so make your way up there. It's one of those jumping robot things

Gloomy Road 2:

  • After taking the 2nd cannon path, go to the right wall and you'll find the golden enemy on the wall
  • From there, go up and take the cannons to the very top of the screen. Once you get to a set of 2 cannons, take the left one and let it launch you to the wind switch.
  • Avoid Cricket right before the exit

Gloomy Road 3 is a boss fight

Underground Prison 1:

  • Once you get to a fork in the road with yellow blocks on the left and spikes on the right, go right to find some prisoners. DO NOT RUN INTO THE PRISONERS. Free them, then go left
  • On the left path, take the elevator then fall down and go left. Free the prisoner there WITHOUT HITTING HIM then fall down then go left into the elevator
  • Follow the sign to go down then go to the top of the big room and go left at the branching path and take the elevator.
  • Follow the path until you get to the 3rd flamethrower. Go down the path that flamethrower is blocking and you'll find the last set of prisoners WHO WILL NOT BE TOUCHED BY YOU
  • Golden enemy is right before the exit. Don't walk past them!

Underground Prison 2:

  • Get the Dash from the Fairy
  • Golden enemy is past some yellow blocks on the right side of the big room towards the end.
  • Go in elevator past golden enemy
  • Go up, then left, up on the mushroom pads, then down into the hole where another elevator is. Take the next elevator and go right to where the machine switch is and push it.

Underground Prison 3:

  • Golden enemy is right at the end in front of the exit. All you have to do is beat the level!

Windy Valley 1:

  • Take out the two butterflies attacking both of the insect kids. If you get launched up by a group of bubbles at some point, go left for the first kid, then upwards from there
  • The golden enemy is above where the two insect kids are in a similar looking room

Windy Valley 2:

  • At the start of the level, if you see an arrow made of flowers pointing right, go down from there then left. In between the fans is where the golden enemy is.
  • If you unlocked the stone door by hitting the switch in Gloomy Road 2, you just need to beat the level at this point. Don't even need to go inside the door if you don't want to lol

Windy Valley 3:

  • Golden enemy is to the left of the exit

Restless Village 1:

  • Golden enemy is right at the beginning. Go under the blue star balls in the air and you should run into it
  • When you reach a sign saying to go up, but there's a path to the right, go up and break the yellow blocks, then follow the path to a seed in a bubble and break the bubble.

Restless Village 2:

  • Golden enemy is directly after the first checkpoint crystal you should see
  • Get the Dash from the Fairy

Restless Village 3 is a boss fight

Lazy Kingdom 1:

  • When sliding down the... goo slide?, when the sign says to go right, go left and go in the elevator. The golden enemy is right after you get out of the elevator
  • Get the Dash from the Fairy

Lazy Kingdom 2:

  • When you get to the top of the first room, the really large one, go left instead of right and you'll find the water switch. Push it.
  • Go right and you'll find the golden enemy, a butterfly. Hard to miss
  • Go right further and avoid hitting Cricket

Lazy Kingdom 3:

  • If you took out the two Piranha Plant looking enemies in Cheerful Flower 2, then take out the last one on the elevator door towards the end of the level
  • After the last goo slide, go under it where the spikes and red mushroom pads are. Go to the very top left of that area. If you see a sign pointing up and a blue mushroom pad next to it, it's on the platform. Just keep going left and you'll see it.

Robot Factory 1:

  • Golden enemy is right before where the two elevators that are next to each other are
  • Take the left elevator of the two elevator and destroy the tubes containing the insects

Robot Factory 2:

  • You just need to save one of the insects inside the glass cases here, not all of them, so if you find one, you're good to complete the level. I like to go for the one in the top of the map personally, which you can get to by sticking to the top at the beginning. It's right after the long passage.
  • Golden enemy is top left-ish of the exit door

Robot Factory 3:

  • If you see a conveyor belt going in and then a one way path you can't enter, the golden enemy is above the one way path.
  • Get to the end. If the fairy isn't there to end your adventure early, you're on the right track!

In The Tummy 1:

  • Avoid the blue mushroom pads at all costs!
  • If you see a hole along the way, go in it to find the upside down switch. Press it
  • The golden enemy is inside where the rain is. Destroy them and also avoid the rain at the same time! This is pretty tricky to do

In The Tummy 2:

  • There are two paths you can take at the beginning. Take the upper path.
  • Once you get to the room past the checkpoint crystal, go up and to the left until you get to a small room, where you find "grandpa's shoe" (the game later says you found both for some reason lol)
  • Take the upper path again in that big room and follow it until you fall down into a fork in the road. Go left and find the golden enemy there

In The Tummy 3:

  • Just get to the end. Golden enemy is floating right in front of the exit

In The Tummy 4:

  • In the 3rd giant room (there's a checkpoint crystal at the start of it), in the top left corner of the room is the golden enemy just chilling on the wall

The Last Enemy

  • Put the balls in the holes
  • Attack the boss once after he's initially knocked down
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