Duckstation 2x/10x Misc. Category Rules
Duckstation 2x/10x Misc. Category Rules
Aggiornato 7 months ago di crazeyawesome

The Duckstation 2x/10x category is for the Duckstation emulator with settings that allow it to emulate very close to PSTV speeds. Below are the required Duckstation settings for that category.

DuckStation 2021-05-23 or later in GUI MODE ONLY

Console Settings:

Enable 8MB RAM: Unchecked

Enable Clock Speed Control (Overclocking/Underclocking): Unchecked

Async Readahead: 8 Sectors (53KB/16ms)

Read Speedup: 2x (Quad Speed)

Seek Speedup: 10x

May Preload Image to RAM if not on an SSD

Emulation Settings:

Runahead: Disabled

Display Settings:

VSync: Unchecked

Show OSD Messages: Checked

Show Emulation Speed : Checked

Show FPS : Checked

Show Controller Input : Checked

Show Settings Overlay : Checked

Enhancement Settings:

Force NTSC Timings (60hz-on-PAL): Unchecked

All other settings should be default, aside from minor visual changes such as resolution, upscaling, etc. to your preference.

Below are examples of what this should look like in your emulator.