Seeking help for timing a recorded run
6 years ago
California, USA

Hello! I’m very new to speedrunning and I’m hoping I can receive help/guidance here.

I recorded my play on Archon for the VICE emulator (C64) for Mac. I tried Llanfair as a timer but couldn’t get it to work. After I made several runs, I went back and watched my recording on Avidemux, going frame by frame to capture the start and end times of my run in accordance with the Speedrun rules. It turns out that my run was 57:28. However, I need help with using a timer or stopwatch to demonstrate that I ran said time.

Again, any help/guidance for a rookie is appreciated. Thanks!


The most common issue with Llanfair is that you don't have Java installed. It's a Java based program so you'll need the JRE to run it.

But aside from that, you have no choice for a timer unless you use a web based one. I don't know any other popular/well known timers for Mac, but another option is LiveSplitOne which is browser based

You don't need a timer though. If you're able to properly frame count your run (which is more accurate provided you have good quality video without skips or frame drops) then you shouldn't need a timer. Timers are for viewer convenience only so they know your time/pace. A timer isn't required to speed run, if you have a video of your run that's all the proof you'll need to show you did it.

Modificato da l'autore 6 years ago
607 e Marco1019 ti piace questo
California, USA

Thanks for your reply, Timmiluvs!

I recorded my run using Quicktime so it's a .mov file. Also, I took a screenshot of the start & end points of the run using Avidemux. Would that be sufficient?


Most games require a full video, providing pictures won’t be sufficient for submitting a run. Some games allow runs without video up to a certain time but you’ll need to ask the moderators of the game to see what’s allowed for submissions.

Marco1019 e 607 ti piace questo
California, USA

I have the full, unedited video which runs 14:59.

I'll reach out to the moderators in hopes that they can provide any other tips.

Thanks again, Timmiluvs!

Timmiluvs piace questo

Np, good luck on your runs.

Marco1019 piace questo
United States

Some video editting programs like Sony Vegas come with tools to provide on screen timers for such things, always worth a shot if you have nothing else.

California, USA

Thanks, Twan_Jones! That's good to know. I'll look it up and check it out.