Following Nick mission glitch
3 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Anyone else ran across issues with the mission where you follow Nick and stay about 50 meters back?

I was attempting to run the 360 version the other day and, now that it's happened, I realize I've experienced it on PS3 and Switch as well. What happens is, you follow Nick and you're almost to the end of the mission and all of a sudden, Emily turns to you and says "We lost him" and then it starts you over back at the police station.

I was exactly 50 meters back which is where the "blue" color starts. If you're closer than 50 you're in the orange (which leads to red I believe). If you go back further than like 100 you'll lose him I think. So, I tend to stick right at 50 for the whole mission.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, is there a solution or is just another glitch/quirk that we have to put up with when running this game?

Oh and I should also point out that this time I was running the 360 version on a Series X. I think last time this happened was on a PS3 using the Red Seeds Profile version of the game from Japan and then before that it would have been the US Switch version of Origins. So, it doesn't seem to care about platform lol.

Pennsylvania, USA

Started a new game on a new profile and got the same glitch on 360 version played on Series X. This time, we were barely a minute into the mission when Emily turned to me and said we lost him. It started me back at the police station. Despite starting the mission at exactly 2200, we started back at the police station at 2300 causing me to have to smoke (and then eventually, when I ran out of food, fast travel to the hotel to sleep and eat). Had to go all the way around another 24 hours to run the mission again. Which at that point, it was clear I was about 20 or more minutes off my PB.

I also ran into a new glitch on another to George's at a little after 2100 (maybe 2120 or so). It wasn't raining. George wasn't home. Smoked until 2200. Not home. 2300 - not home. 2400 - now it's raining so of course now he's not there. Went through almost an entire pack of cigarettes and all my food. He never arrived at home. I had to restart the run (which at that point is over an hour in for me since I'm slow).

On a side note though, acquiring Quint's car in Chapter 8 before heading to the gallery does seem to save time in the long run. Unfortunately, all the glitches cancel out all that timesave for me personally but if I could ever get a run together without all these glitches, I think the car will save a good bit of time. I may move back to the Switch version just because crashes are easier to deal with than the stuff I've been experiencing on 360/Xbox Series X.

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