Looking For Verifiers
Looking For Verifiers
Pubblicato 11 months ago di

Hello everyone, we never expected this board to get really popular back when we first started but I´m glad to see how far this leaderboard has gone from there, this game is really fun to speedrun and to watch others speedrun and I like how this community is really fun and not toxic and contentious like I´ve seen in some trash communities. Due to the somwhat large amount of runs that come into this game and the fact that we´re not always available to verify runs in this game we are now looking for two verifiers to help verify this game alongsisde us.

If think you are suitable to be a verifier for this game, then please fill out this Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGHPXT4hKSMT1BH6l_oli87ScQas3o8dWDaI4jzegoW4wXJw/viewform?usp=sf_link @Pyrothon, @cmd4fun and I ( @SkittlesCat ) will review your request and decide together to see who will get added as moderators, good luck!

Submissions are locked we are no looking for verifiers.

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