Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

pro gamer skills

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

no clue

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

i think it is, yeah. i did a comparison a while ago and xbox runs a lot slower than pc

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

would have to ask ssurt for mod apps lol

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

i'm lazy and the others haven't verified in several months, or even a year

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

Hello all. As you may know, there has been some recent drama regarding the mod team and Alexohi. I, Cloud, am here to talk about everything that has occurred between both the mods and Alex. The events that have happened include accusations of the mods being misogynistic, transphobic, us harassing Alex, Alex attacking members over disagreements, harassing moderators, getting FNAF banned from a marathon, bringing so-called “evidence” to the public in an attempt to ruin the reputation of the mods, revealing every single DM from Louie and several from Grim as “evidence” (all of which contradict Alex’s claims), breaching SRC’s privacy TOS by posting said DMs, and complaining about being blacklisted and kicked from the FNAF community because Alex thinks it is unjustified despite them being the root of every problem.

The first event I would like to touch on is Alex’s harsh accusations against the mod team. They’re very persistent on calling Louie transphobic, and most of the mod team misogynistic. The claim that Louie is transphobic sparks from Louie playing Hogwarts Legacy. Despite what you, the reader’s, thoughts on this may be, a lot of us trans folk are against people supporting the Harry Potter series. Understandably so, Alex was upset when they learned that Louie was playing and streaming Hogwarts Legacy. However (and this is coming from another trans person that also dislikes Harry Potter), the way that Alex went about confronting Louie was probably one of the worst ways possible. Alex confronted Louie whilst Louie was streaming the game, and essentially began yelling at Louie when he said that he would stream whatever game he wanted to. Do note that at the time, Louie was unaware of why so many people were against Hogwarts Legacy. Instead of calmly informing Louie of why he shouldn’t play the game, Alex decided to have an explosive argument with Louie and started calling him transphobic. Louie was later informed on why playing Hogwarts Legacy is bad, and has stopped playing the game since. The claim that Louie is transphobic is utterly ridiculous when it is merely a game, in which he was unaware of the events surrounding it. Louie is extremely supportive of trans people. Not to mention, there are literally two trans people on the moderator team (myself and Chara). Louie would not be on the team if this wasn’t the case. 

The claim about misogyny stems from the simple request all the way back in August of 2022 for Alex to stop venting about experiences with misogyny as it was making community members uncomfortable. We then deleted the venting messages (all of them, and no, it wasn’t Louie that deleted them), despite the claim that only a message about misogyny was deleted, because of the fact that it was making other people uncomfortable. Louie and Grim calmly messaged Alex requesting them to stop venting, and Alex went to Grim stating, and I quote, “...I would’ve gone to another mod but I don’t know who else to go to and frankly I don’t feel comfortable going to the others cause they’re mostly men…” Alex then went to me to speak ill of the other mods by claiming that Louie was misogynistic. I, not liking the fact that my friends were being accused of this, shared this with the other mods. Alex then was unhappy about me sharing the DMs, but maybe they should’ve reconsidered making such claims. Ever since then, Alex has used the argument that the mod team is misogynistic, even though that was never the case to begin with. 

The claims about harassment are absolute dog water. We as a mod team have seen every single DM conversation between us and Alex. No where in any of these messages did we harass Alex. This can be seen in the evidence that they provided in the recent forum post where you can see all of Louie’s messages dating all the way back to the previous paragraph. You can also see where Louie requested Alex to stop multiple times, but Alex persisted. Grim also never harassed Alex, he simply gave Alex some basic internet etiquette, such as not sharing private info. Ace has never said one bad thing about Alex, and the worst thing he said to them was stating that Alex was no longer part of the event (more on this subject later). As for myself, we were somewhat friends for a long while, before I saw the DMs between them and the other mods. After that, I basically just got mad (as one would), and ended it. In other members’ DMs, we have had four people come to us showing blatant harassment after we told both parties to cease arguing in the public server. 

This segues us into the next point where Alex has attacked numerous members and previous mods over ridiculous claims. Such examples include a member disagreeing with Alex’s suggestion for us to allow macros for disabled runners. This is an okay discussion to have, but when both parties were arguing and the conversation was getting uncivilized, both parties agreed to stop arguing. However, Alex then went to said member’s DMs to accuse them of ableism and transphobia. The DMs were brought to our attention, and we told the member to simply block Alex (which they even asked permission from us to do). Alex then went to Louie to request that the member get banned for the situation after the problem was already sorted. Another member simply told Alex to inform people of their pronouns after Alex got mad that the mod team was unaware of their pronouns. Alex then snapped at this member, who was only trying to help, and accused them of being too close to the mods and “bootlicking the mods” (what does this even mean). They then attacked a previous mod who asked merely for evidence on their claims against the mods, to which the previous mod retaliated after being called names by Alex. They even went to another mod not even in the server about sexualities. The mod was talking about their partner’s sexuality, to which Alex attempted to claim the mod was incorrect. Alex then requested that this mod be banned, and when it was refused, Alex made claims of them being silenced. 

Alex also got a few Security Breach runners, and FNAF as a whole, banned from a marathon for claims of misogyny, transphobia, and harassment (which I touched on in previous paragraphs). Alex went to the owner of this marathon because they claimed that they were unjustly removed from a submission to the marathon that was being planned in the Security Breach server. This claim is, unsurprisingly, false yet again. While Alex was no longer planned to be part of the run, the decision was just. In a conversation with Ace, who was planning the run, Alex once again brought up claims of Louie being transphobic. Both Louie and Alex were uncomfortable with one another and myself and Ace were unsure of what to do since both of them wanted to be part of the run. We originally decided to remove both Louie and Alex. However, in said conversation, Alex said, and this is a direct quote, “You guys are a joke. Find someone else to do the submission.” While this wasn’t a direct request to be removed, Ace and I assumed that Alex no longer wanted to be in the event due to the violent response. Alex then was upset by this decision, claiming that we were favoring a supposed transphobic person over an actual trans person. They then went on to insult Louie once again by stating, “The child who wants his video game can have the mean trans person out.” With the insults, and the harsh responses to the decision, we decided to just drop Alex and keep Louie. Alex was furious by this and went to the owner of the marathon with the claims, and supposedly (DMs weren’t shown in full, I only saw part of them) with zero evidence. Ace and Louie were wrongfully banned from the event, along with FNAF as a whole. While Ace and Louie were later unbanned from the server (still banned from submitting to the event until the next one), the ban on FNAF was completely unjust, and the fact that it was done with most likely no evidence shown is utterly ridiculous. 

On February 21st, 2023, Alex came to the general chat in the FNAF:SB Discord server. They sent vague messages claiming that the mods broke several rules, which confused several members. The next day, Alex came with their usual claims of transphobia, misogyny, and harassment. Members, who knew these claims were false, objected to the claims, and Alex snapped at anyone that disagreed with their claims. This is also where the incident between Alex, a member, and a former mod occurred. In an attempt to calm the situation down, Alex was timed out. Roughly a week or two later, Alex made a public forum post on the Security Breach SRC page, with their usual claims once again. They touched on some of the stuff that I discussed, but from a point of view where it seemed like they were the victim. I responded with a condensed version of the previous paragraphs, and the community didn’t give Alex the attention they wanted and instead started joking around by ordering food. This then angered Alex as they weren’t getting the support they expected, and instead began making more claims against us with no evidence. The forum post was then locked.

On March 21st, 2023, Alex created another forum post, this time finally with evidence (all of the DMs between Louie and Alex) in the form of a Google Drive folder (which also breaches the Code of Conduct on privacy concerns on SRC). It should also be noted that the title of this forum post was a video to the popular “Why the Fuck you Lyin’” song, suggesting to at least myself that Alex isn’t taking this very seriously either. With this so-called evidence for the claims that they have made, nowhere does it show that Louie is what Alex claims he is. They were merely conversations of Alex venting, and Louie giving simple advice, up until the Hogwarts Legacy “conversation”. Responses were made that pointed out the obvious (the DMs not proving Alex’s claims), and Alex edited the forum post with another Google Drive link (once again breaching SRC’s Code of Conduct). These images were taken from DMs between Alex and Grim, which showed what Alex thought was Grim essentially admitting to stalking and harassing Alex. None of these images match any definition of the term “stalking”. When Grim mentioned a situation, it was because it was brought to his attention by another person. The conversation of the thread from a person supposedly defending a past abuser of Alex was not found by Grim digging through Alex’s Twitter, but rather can be found if you simply search “alexohi” on Twitter. Alex then made up more claims of us “lying and avoiding their claims” (despite us clearly addressing all of them, and leaving the forums up). They then only addressed the shorter responses from other members and not the longer responses by people such as myself stating the actual issues with Alex’s behavior. They repeated their own claims which were already proven to be false, which were then once again proven false. As a result of these actions done by Alex, Alex has since been blacklisted from submitting to the FNAF series in general (with permission from Series Moderators and Site Staff), and has been reported to SRC Site Staff. Alex then complained about this in Grim’s DMs on SRC essentially repeating the same claims.

In conclusion, while the mod team has been in the wrong a few times, Alex’s behavior has overall been completely despicable and absurd. This has been going on for well over 9 months, and it is time for it to come to an end. We have sorted the problem out as Alex is no longer in the server, or welcome back. They are banned from ever submitting runs again to FNAF as a whole, and this decision will not be reverted as no one would enjoy having a nuisance and a troublemaker around. We apologize for what was said by the mods, and we apologize for this drama being brought to the entire community. What has been done was mostly unnecessary, and it is now in the past. I hope that this document can clear everything up, and we can finally move on. The mods and myself will no longer be responding to this forum, but we will be leaving it up as to not prove Alex’s claim of us not addressing their claims. Please do not stoop to their level by harassing Alex over this. 

-Cloud, and the rest of the FNAF:SB Mod Team

A_Web_Browser, Chiawa dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

your problems are making up claims of transphobia and stalking when neither happened. coming from one trans person to another who dislikes HP, we go back to it because it's an example of you being disrespectful over a game. that argument was in no way shape or form "harassment", you are out of your mind if you genuinely think louie harassed you.

you getting FNAF banned from RRLOL is kinda shitty when you knew we were planning for that. still no idea how that worked with basically no evidence shown to the RRLAT mods (to my knowledge).

grim did not "comb through your tweets and past trauma", that thread literally appears if you just search your name on twitter.

the "server issues" that were addressed were resolved, we're obviously gonna keep discussing someone that has a grudge against us, who also keeps being brought to our attention for causing problems with other members (error, for example). if you were "too scared to talk to the mod team because most of the team is men", why would we bother attempting to talk to you if we apparently make you uncomfortable?

you are a troublemaker, you make up blatant lies, play the victim, yet have ZERO evidence for any of it. i used to be on your side, but then i was shown the DMs and saw that all of your claims are obvious lies. i was uncomfortable with the mods, expressed this to them, they acknowledged what they did was wrong and stopped, and they would like to move on. i have shown you that this is the case, so why the fuck can't you move on???? you're digging your own grave here, alex. you can continue to say we're "lying and avoiding the claims" when we have addressed them several times.

you are blacklisted. you are no longer welcome here. that is the end.

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

please explain clearly to us how we are "lying and avoiding the actual issues" when we are very obviously addressing the issues you are bringing up. at this point, it seems like a joke considering the fact you keep posting that video.

what other issues could there possibly be? are you sure we're the ones lying? cause it seems to me like you're continuing to pull shit out of your ass in another terrible attempt to make us look bad.

TheLouieCopeland menyukai ini
Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

in response to the edit: -those screenshots don’t tell me anything new -i have no clue how you expect to be taken seriously when you’re saying stuff like “boogie down get real”. if you wanna “call us out”, why make a meme out of it?

BlxxdLxst_SR, Hawkz dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

thanks for proving my point..? louie's dms show nothing other than what i said, and grim simply checking your public twitter doesn't fall under any of those definitions.

what did you want to achieve by posting this?

BlxxdLxst_SR, Hawkz dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

1.5 speed is allowed

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

please do enlighten me with how “neutrality isn’t a good look”. i don’t have to pick sides no matter who does what. but i think it’s obvious at this point that i’m no longer neutral about this.

you weren’t stalked. that’s it.

TheLouieCopeland menyukai ini
Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

back to the actual topic, i now have permission to post this to clear some stuff up.

louie being "transphobic" - alex dmed louie in the middle of a stream to not stream hogwarts legacy (understandable). however, the way they did it was way more aggressive than a polite request. louie didn't appreciate being yelled at, and wasn't happy. this, along with louie generally not liking alex, was what led to louie wanting to ban alex. louie later was properly educated on why playing HL isn't good, and hasn't streamed the game since.

ace removing alex from a speedrunning event - louie and alex didn't like each other, so ace and i thought we might as well remove the both of them. but, alex didn't like this response since they had said they'd be fine, as long as they didn't talk. however, alex said "You guys are a joke. Find someone else to do a submission," which we assumed meant that they no longer wanted to participate in the event, and so they were removed. this then led to alex telling basically the same story as the post here to the really really long a thon staff, with zero evidence (to my knowledge), but that prompted a ban of FNAF at RRLAT. basically, this resulted in getting complete random people involved in all of this, and causing it so that the FNAF series run wouldn't ever be possible at a RRLAT event.

"mods acting inappropriate" - unfortunately, this part is true, and i did mostly think that what they were doing was bad.

ace's tweet - from what i'm aware, nothing was purposefully falsified. we were informed that RRLAT had received multiple complaints about us, when we know the only source is alex, thus why ace assumed alex sent their followers after us.

grim cyberstalking - grim would only check alex’s public twitter whenever they started another argument.

taking it public - i hope you do realize that randomly waltzing into general and repeating this stuff with no evidence isn't the greatest. several people were concerned about your behavior, and so you were timed out.

us falsifying information - we will gladly share all that we have with anyone that's curious. we won't take anything ooc, we just wanna show that both parties have been in the wrong multiple times as alex has a strong hatred for us mods.

not spreading this publicly - you literally posted this in a public forum under your name. not sure how you'd expect to stay anonymous by doing that.

TLDR: both parties have been in the wrong, it's time to move on. absolutely no point in continuing to bring this up.

Sid3300, Manic07925 dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

@TulenchikZalex louie streamed hogwarts legacy twice and alex was pissed off (understandably so, i am also a massive anti-harry potter person) but explaining it to louie (who had genuinely no idea why it was bad) could've gone a lot calmer. louie has since been educated and doesn't play the game anymore.

TheLouieCopeland menyukai ini
Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

"They will likely falsify or make out-of-context more information to discredit me" ironic

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

time starts frame start button is highlighted, ends frame ending screen appears (with black border, or frame w/ just text right before black border)

Illinois, USAthat1cl0ud1 year ago

we’d prefer for runs to be submitted with the timer, but we still have to option of retiming it the old way (run will likely be slower)

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