BelgiumWoutt648 years ago

So I decided on splitting Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard from Pokemon Trainer because of the new tec. found in Boss Battles. And actually for no other reason OpieOP . Oh, and I added milliseconds for the sake of having IL's be more accurate.

BelgiumWoutt648 years ago

So apparently the way that IL's work is that if you make a categorie, it'll count for all the IL's, meaning that I can't change the categories for Multi-Man Melee which is kinda stupid. So for now on, it'll be just Break The Targets, but I might put something in the request forums to make it possible to adjust the IL limitations

BelgiumWoutt648 years ago

Seeing that the amount of runners for this game is becoming bigger i added Very Hard as well (as a misc). I didin't add them at first because there weren't enough runners to care about that many categories.

Also, if anybody has an idea for the possibility of adding IL's in any shape of form. I thought of adding IL's for every single event, but does already exsist on other websites.I think adding IL's for 10 and 100-Man melee would be interesting, seeing that PM doesn't have them. We could also add the break the target levels, but i don't know if we should do like Melee (with every character havin it's own) or in PM (just choosing the character, which I think is easier).

BelgiumWoutt648 years ago

If i understood you correctly, I added it to the boards. If not, please correct me by giving me a better explanation of what you exactly mean.

BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

That basically sums up what my response was going to be. Although i will add that brawl has a very unbalanced metagame. But that's for competitive smash, so i don't know how to compare that to speedrunning.

The only character-related discussion I want to start is that i'm not shure if we should split up Pokemon Trainer into Charizard, Squirtle and Ivysaur. They are very different to each other and they should probally be split up. The only problem is if you die with one of them, it goes to the next slot (which doesn't happen to Sheik/Zelda), so I'm not really shure (but you can directly switch back so I don't really know)

benang: Project M
BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

For Subspace we only accept recorded runs, sorry. But you can record using any methods, like your phone etc. so I don't really see a problem in recording.

BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

I thought of having the categories be more like Project M (that there are is a seperate variable to indicate on what difficulty your running), but seeing that everybody was running in Easy anyway, so I decided on doing a categorie for every difficulty.

Also, you don't need to record your runs (but a picture of your splits or the final results screen is always nice), but we do also accept runs without a video. But hey if you want to record your runs, be my guest OpieOP .

And about the 'unlock all Stages/Characters' categories, they seem a bit stupid seeing that you'd have to do multiple modes at once and none of the other smash games have them (except smash 64, but that's only 4 characters Kappa ). Also , i don't think people want to delete there save file to do a categorie like that.

Also, something that doesn't have to do with the previous comment. Are any people interested in 10(0) Multi-man Melee or Break the Targets IL's?

BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

I know not that many people run this (yet), but i think there should be a few more categories added. First there has to be a split between Any% NG+ and Any%. The times can seriously matter and it would be interesting to run 'true' Any%. And i guess for a misc categorie Cheat% could be pretty fun

Again, just an idea, but a seems a bit more logical that way OpieOP .

BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

Give me some feedback on the new added categories. If you guys have any other ideas for categories let me know!

benang: The Site
BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

Hey i want to be moderator for Super Smash Bros Brawl. I'm really interested in running the game and the game only has one mod. I've seen that there's been lot's of requests for boards and the mod hasn't responded yet (and hasen't posted a run yet in a really long time) so i'm gonna say he's inactive. Anyway here's the link: http://www.speedrun.com/ssbb

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

Yes i see it now too FailFish . Thanks for responding :-)

benang: The Site
BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

So i'm kinda new to speedrunning so i don't know if this has happened before but i think i found a glitch on the site. Basically I submitted a few runs for Super Smash Bros and when i checked back to see if the runs got this happened.


I don't know why this happened seeing that i just submitted the run and left right after (and i'm not mod for SSB). But the weird part is that the runs don't appear on the leaderboards, but they do appear on my profile page. I later tried submitting another run in the same categorie (with a better time) and the same thing happened.

I have no idea why this happened and seeing that i'm kinda new to this, so can somebody help me?

BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

Seeing that any% just got added to the Il boards, I'm going to request NG+ to be added as a categorie as well. I think that some people (including me) would be interested in doing NG+ IL's.

RobotCrocodilz dan TheGlitched64 menyukai ini
BelgiumWoutt649 years ago


To show you that somebody actually cares about running your mod. I've seen that your working on a v1.04 so i'm gonna wait with running and routing full game until that's out (That's why it's an IL Kappa )

BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

So i played through the mod a bit more and when it comes to the changing the missions more, there really isin't more need to change them. The only thing i really want changed are the cost of the cars. The prices are sometimes way to high (I mean, 1200 for the Globex Car) and i can say the same for the costumes. Because the prices are to high, it would make coin routing incredibly difficult. For the rest, i think some people might be interested in running this, but i don't see our main runner's (Like Bill, Zoton, Mango etc.) run the mods as much as Hit and Run itselfl. But i can still see some of us doing this :-) .

Also Glitched, if you want to run this game and the mods on PC, you should ask CtrlTab for the Game. He was giving it away on his stream one day and i think if you'd ask him he'll definitely send it to you.

TheGlitched64 menyukai ini
BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

I would definitely run this some day but honestly i think some more changes to the missions would be nice. I think you should change (almost) every mission just to make it a bit different to run, otherwise it's really just an extended and more boring version of the original game. Otherwise, good job on making this mod, maybe we can make a Rom Hack section for this game and put the LeaderBoards of your mod there.

TheGlitched64 menyukai ini
BelgiumWoutt649 years ago

I think NG+ should be added as well. Would really be interested in seeing how that would turn out.

TheGlitched64 menyukai ini
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