NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

@Black-Shadow If you struggle with setting up OBS then there are a ton of tutorials for it on YouTube. But if you don't wanna do that then feel free to reach out to me either on speedrun.com or my Discord SukeSJ#8912. I sadly wouldn't be able to help much today but i could easily show you how to do it.

Short explanation is when you have OBS open. You can add a Display Capture in the sources tab and just choose whichever monitor has the game. So it will capture your entire screen

davidvkimball dan Black-Shadow menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

I totally understand. Never modded a huge game like MC but i can see that it would take long. Thank you for the kind and detailed response.

Zanum, TrenttheN642 dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

I know that minecraft is a really huge speedgame so i won't be complaining. But i am just wondering if a run that has been pending for 1 month normal? Was submitted on the 20th of January

Zanum menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

We have gotten a few requests about modded characters and modded categories like custom target tests and such. But sadly we don't want to add that as it would defeat the purpose of what Category Extensions is meant to be. In our eyes it's a more easy way for anyone to speedrun melee, with less restrictive rules for Emu and quality of life changes like Hyrule code and C stick. However opening a world of anything modded through Crazy Hand or other methods that affect the gameplay itself. That wouldn't bring more accessibility. It could be fun, yeah but it is not what Category Extensions is aiming for. If anything a new SSBM game version could be made, like we would have Vanilla. Category Extensions and Modded Categories. But there are no plans for us mods to create that anytime soon.

Highly appreciate reaching out tho and feel free to ask again if you have anymore questions :D

UntarLaManteca dan Black-Shadow menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

Sadly i did a run today and it doesn't count for the matches. It does however count for if you are the winner or not. I highly recommend not going for it. Unless you wanna ruin a run like i did today xD

NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

Made a rough estimation of the timesave. Keep in mind since the RLAS was on reaction. It can save more time.

davidvkimball menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

I noticed from a pretty recent run of All Characters that you still get encounters from doing a RLAS whilst being one point ahead in time matches. Which would save i believe a tiny amount like a second or so. If anyone is willing to check this out further.

Run in particular is by @thetincan at 2:19:04

NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

@davidvkimball I understand. But i think i see it more like the opposite way. For instance i would argue that instead of moving the "Unlock" categories to the Original board. I kinda feel like All trophies should be on category extensions. Cause when you look at the original board, All the categories have one specific goal. "Play this mode". Events, Targets, Classic, Adventure and All-Star all comes down to playing their selective mode. Trophies, Character unlocks and stage unlocks you kinda go all over the place. Yes most of it comes down to VS matches but to me that kinda gives away a different feel.

I do see why some people think otherwise tho. And i highly appreciate you bringing this up. It not only helps us figure out what the community wants but it also helps bring discussions to the mod team to paint a clearer picture of what the speedrun board should be, not only for legitimacy and speedrun value but also for fun factor :D

davidvkimball menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

@davidvkimball Yeah i totally see what you mean and i read the forum post about this on the Original board. It seems Pokemonmaster was down to put it in but it would need more attention to be put on the Original board. So it was put on CE to see if it got more attention. Sadly Pokemonmaster is not a mod here anymore so i can't ask them for their input on this. And i am not too involved with the Original board, at least not yet. If you want the categories to be on the Original board however then i would need to ask the others.

Just to clarify tho. Category Extensions is not only for cheats and emu runs. Yes it's the main focus for it cause of inclusivity. But there can also be "special" Categories that wouldn't necessarily make it into the original board. Like how some games have meme Categories. We don't have really any of those here. But just wanted to say that no cheats console runs can still be on Category Extensions :D

davidvkimball menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

Reason Emu is default for both is because that's mostly what CE is for. But i do agree that it looks weird with an empty category as default. Also for the edit. I'm not quite sure i understand what you mean cause CE is mostly for people who want specific cheats like C stick and UCF. For both Console and Emulator. If you want however that there should be a category for this on the Original board then i believe this was brought up about 1 year ago and was moved to Extensions for lack of popularity.

NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

Quick update. We decided to add an Emulator and Console Variable to each All characters and All characters + stages. Thank you so much @davidvkimball and @Nami for bringing this to light and giving solutions to how to fix it :D

davidvkimball menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

I see what your are saying @davidvkimball and yeah if it truly is as much as 40 minutes. Then the only solution really is having it be separate categories or remove emu runs completely.

NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

Interesting. Never really thought about that. Yeah i can see how over 990 vs matches can be a big difference from a RT run when it comes to emulators. Kinda difficult to ban emulators for Category Extensions however since the main part about it is to make it more accessible. And changing settings can be difficult considering every emu run would need to go onto their emulator options and i feel like it could be easily forgettable. Only thing i could think of is having emu runs be in a separate category for RT runs or if we figure out how much emu saves then we can plus that time to the final time. Even tho those aren't exactly good options either.

I will mention this to the other mods tho to see what they say. Thank you very much :D

davidvkimball menyukai ini
NorwaySukeSJ2 years ago

Hello there. Thank you very much. I agree that the wording of the rules can be exploited and we'll be fixing it to make it more descriptive about using an exploit like that. Highly appreciate the feedback :D

benang: The Site
NorwaySukeSJ3 years ago

@Timmiluvs ahh okay I thought it was a setting I had that interfered with eachother but I guess it is a common bug. Let's hope it gets fixed someday

Pear menyukai ini
benang: The Site
NorwaySukeSJ3 years ago

Is there anyway to fix this issue? If you click on a run and go back. It suddenly displays the wrong leaderboard https://streamable.com/pah6qe

benang: The Site
NorwaySukeSJ3 years ago

Thank you so much you two. This will help a bunch. Sad to see about the no email notification for thread replies and messages but it isn't as important for me than run verifications.

grnts dan Quivico menyukai ini
benang: The Site
NorwaySukeSJ3 years ago

Is there anyway to turn on email notifications for messages, runs awaiting verifications or replies to forums? It is kinda annoying to remember to check in on the site every day just to see if anyone has submitted a run. Or when i make a thread like now. I need to check back and refresh every 10 min or so to see if someone answered. I am not sure if this has been asked before. I wish i could check but there is no search bar on the forums page. So if this is a reocurring question then my apologies

NorwaySukeSJ3 years ago

@GoodleShoes Hmm. As for Crazy Hand. He usually appears on Normal difficulty or higher if you don't game over at least once first (Most speedrunners game over on purpose on the Metal stage to avoid fighting Crazy Hand). Opponents instantly dying may be the cpu's messing up. If you mean they randomly jump off the stage. DK is a great example of that. On Adventure mode Very Hard you can step a tiny bit forward and crouch. Big DK will walk up to you. Neutral air and just die in the water. CPU's all spawning in the same place however might be an emulator issue. I can't think of many places that could happen in the vanilla game. Tho i know custom stages often makes that happen. I do know that for Slippi Rollback to work. It has to replace some kind of mechanic about Melee to fit the whole Rollback thing in. And if they would mess with the CPU then that makes a lot of sense since you normally don't play CPU's with that version of Dolphin. But thank you so much for letting me know. ------------------------------------------------edit---------------------------------------------------------- I tried slippi rollback and regular dolphin with cpu's. Went on Final Destination and had player 1 and 2 be a team and player 3 and 4 be a team. I did notice some differences in the placements of how they spawn. Seems like Slippy always spawns the teams on each side so P1 and P2 is on the left and P3 and P4 is on the right side of FD. On regular Dolphin. The cpu's were scattered randomly. So the slippy emulator/faster melee emulator does change cpu spawn locations

NorwaySukeSJ3 years ago

@GoodleShoes From what i understand. Faster Melee slippi is mostly an emulator and you can use the original Melee iso with that. However since this is category extensions. You could also use a 20XX iso with altered cpu behaviour as long as it isn't set to settings that would reduce RNG. Like manipulated cpu DI behaviour and such. But yes you can use any Dolphin emulator since it doesn't change the iso at all. Even if load times would be faster on some emulators. It wouldn't change anything since most of the categories are timed with In Game Time except multiple game category runs like All trophies and All characters

GoodleShoes menyukai ini
Tentang SukeSJ
6 years ago
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