StreakOfChaos7 years ago

RTA stands for Real Time Attack basically its just like running a stopwatch from the beginning to the end of your run.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

exactly the more framerate you have the faster you are even for an example PC was limited to a maximum of 60fps it would still be faster due to load times alone so its not exactly an option to be considered even though im sure if that was an idea runners on the PC side wont be to pleased about it and thats fair enough the only viable solution is to separate them plus as an added note there isnt going to be any negative issues if they are separated its only going to make the board look cleaner and fairer so personally im all in favour of separating them.

Soulless_Persona menyukai ini
StreakOfChaos7 years ago

RTA and IGT should be part of the timing due to different platforms having different loading times and framerates etc so i agree the RE5/6 method should be approached to avoid any arguments that way its fair on all parties regardless of the platform they are able to run on.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

and thanks for the info on the HD port persona o/

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

i was saying that before :D so in order to make it a fair place regardless of the platform you are able to run on both forms of platforms should be separated to make a fair balance to the boards that way theres little room for arguments about this kind of thing in the future should an argument of this ever arise of course.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

yeah i agree thats fair enough. but i would say that separating the platforms makes sense and it will also look cleaner on the boards one tab for PC the other for Console. plus should any new runners arise for this game it would halt any complaints about unfair timing albeit PC being the faster version or not but its entirely up to the community.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

also out of curiosity is there any difference in time including load times between the original release and the HD release is one faster than the other ?

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

hey deln o/ i have seen that RE6 uses both RTA and IGT but its still unlikely Console will match PC in time like for example loading times increased frame rate Console is locked at 30fps and PC could use variable 120fps i just cant see Console matching PC times but like i said in my previous post the only series i know of that hasnt separated platforms are RE revelations 1 and 2 even though PC is the fastest version but i assume they have their reasons for not separating them.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

i agree its unlikely console can match a PC time due to speed and increased frame rate and load times most other resident evil boards have both platforms separated the main series that don't have them separated is the RE revelations boards and its odd that they have not separated them.It would be good when i get a decent time on this game then i can finally submit a run.

Soulless_Persona menyukai ini
StreakOfChaos7 years ago

i screwed it up a few times but the first one and last one are the most ideal ways to deal with this area obviously with me screwing it up a few times doesn't look all that great for the strat but with better movement its a good choice but let me know what you guys think about it.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

hey guys lately i have been messing around with Chris at black tiger and i may of found a good strat for him.

At first i tried running behind him to make him turn and i ran to the door and knifed it i had reasonable success with this but i found one better.

if you equip the flamethrower prior to entering the room you can easily save upwards of 10 seconds im just using 10 secs as an example.

i begin by walking in 3 steps then immediately run to the door and manually turn chris whilst firing to get an early hit on the door and exited with little issue.

out of 5 attempts i got hit once and i was dropped to caution lucky it wasnt poison but on any% thats not really an issue thats mainly only an issue on best ending.

i know this was originally performed on psxjin but i watched rawderps run at black tiger and noticed he allowed black tiger to attack the web for him i believe thats an old strat but i figured it would be good to post this as its a viable option and has a high success rate i will try and post a video of it later as proof its a decent option and it it will show how easy it can be done on the PC version.

Also i timed it via in game time with a knife the fastest i got was 13.7 secs with the flamethrower i got 7.3 so its a difference on 6 secs the 10 secs above i was referring to real time even though it was an estimate.

But also remember with the knife i also hit the webs instead of allowing black tiger to hit the web obviously it can be done slightly faster with a knife i missed a few times so 13.7 was just a quick go at it but it just shows an example of the time differences someone skilled with chris knife could drop it to around 10 secs with black tiger being good and not being annoying and messing about.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

sometimes when black blocks appear the gpu may be overheating thats why i suggested increasing your fan speed which increasing does not damage any hardware to the best of my knowledge it was just a possible soloution for you dont mess with anything if your not comfortable though.

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

did you also try increasing your fan speed in your GPU settings ?

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

did you try FurryWulfz idea of right clicking on the game .exe and choose default graphic processor ?

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

ah right thanks for explaining i thought it would of been more but thats really good to know and thanks for the tip i will give that ago later on

zerodux menyukai ini
StreakOfChaos7 years ago

hi guys im just wondering i have watched a few runs and have seen two routes a few with the 2 plug mainly the top times and a few with 4 plug route is there an actual vast difference in time aside from banking the knife and burning i think its the key of clubs is it a huge difference in a run ?

zerodux menyukai ini
StreakOfChaos7 years ago

right ok i believe i selected millennium you could try that see if it works or not

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

also the reason the blocks may be appearing is i think your graphics card is overheating try and increase your fan settings from your nvidia graphics setting

StreakOfChaos7 years ago

ok now that is odd i originally thought the blocks would be smaller. When you first setup the game what graphic option did you select in the menu ? can you remember ?

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