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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Quick Update: We'll just run a quick Pauper tournament in the evening on Saturday, probably in the 2nd room so people who need PCs can use those. If you need help making a pauper deck (Which means Basic and Common cards only so it's super cheap and really silly fun) then you can ask me but here are some decklists from the PauperHS subreddit: http://imgur.com/a/r8HF4 http://imgur.com/a/JnY9F

Also, the Fireside gathering seems to be having some major technical issues, it only seems to work on some devices (Not my phone but on my laptop, even on same wifi) so we probably won't get any of those games in

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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Alright thanks Fatzke, I knew it was amazing but I didn't know how long it would take. But yeah screw trying to do that during an event with other stuff happening.

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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

I'm bringing Carcassonne with the first 4 expansions, and a copy of Tsuro of the Seas.

Also I might be able to buy a copy of Pandemic before the event (yeah I'm all about those family friendly beginner games :D) Hell, if we wanted to get really crazy we could get a copy of Pandemic Legacy (which is apparently AMAZING) and try to play that before the end of the event.

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Yeah you should tell the SRC mods to add "compatibility layer" as an option instead :P

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Yeah it's caused by V-Sync being off, I have the same issue.

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

No reason for it to be banned, new content will be added and others nerfed over time, thus is the reality of online speedruns.

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Yeah a separate disk partition is probably the best option. If you were to use Wine or anything then it would count as an emulator.

Gaël menyukai ini
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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

I wish Blizz would just implement a damn Arena friendly match mode :(

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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

You could probably play from now until the event and get enough gold to have every common card :P

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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

tl;dr Official Fireside Gathering all event long. Pauper and Standard tournaments planned.

Hey! Last year I ran a small Hearthstone Tournament and was thinking about doing the same this year, but better! Blizzard have since opened up their Fireside Gathering signups, so I've created a Fireside Gathering for each day of the event: https://eu.battle.net/hearthstone/en/fireside-gatherings/41356 Being a Fireside Gathering provides us with a few benefits, the biggest being that we get access to the Fireside Brawl, a unique Fireside only Tavern Brawl. This month's Brawl is 3v3 Tag Team https://eu.battle.net/hearthstone/en/fireside-gatherings/blog/20838071/july-2017-fireside-brawl-tag-team-21-06-2017 I'm not sure what the brawl during ESA will be, but whatever it is I'll try to organise a few games of it between us all. Oh, and we also get a cardback :D

Obviously it would be a little silly to not improve from last year, so based on feedback and obvious stuff I did wrong last year I have a few changes:

Firstly I'm focusing more on it being a Fireside Gathering as opposed to a tournament. Last year almost all the games that were played were only tournament games, and obviously HS can be a lot more then that.

Secondly I've changed the format of the tournament. Last year we ran a Double Elimination, however it soon turned into a Single Elimination as once people lost once they didn't really want to continue in the bracket. This year any tournaments we run I'll keep to a Single Elimination.

And lastly, I think we should think about having two tournaments. A normal Standard (or Wild) tournament, but also think about casual players without many cards and run either a Tavern Brawl, Fireside Brawl or some other silly format tournament (Pauper, which is decks with only Common cards could be really cool for example).

Anyway, that's my massive wall of text on the subject, let me know if your interested in any of this and any suggestions you guys have. Thanks!

Tezur0, Fatzke dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

"Mods here just don't give a crap about spam like this, do they?"

Firstly, I'm the only active mod and I can't check these forums 24/7 (this thread is currently 5 hours old) Secondly, this isn't directly spam. It's a unique question, specifically about crashing during Amphibious Assault. (Your post was more pointless spam then atiksh's) Thirdly, if your complaint is why don't we delete all the old threads about similar topics, isn't the complaint about these threads that people don't search the forums for a solution first? If it's deleted, then how do they find it?

As for the actual question, we kind of need more information then that. How much about duping do you know? Has anyone had success with duping Amphibious Assault before?

Zachoholic menyukai ini
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz6 years ago

Yeah I'm on it, sorry this was posted when I wasn't really able to add them and I kinda forgot until now

Havi menyukai ini
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

Is this seriously a thread that needs locking? A simple question, with everyone trying to help, and somehow it turns into a shit show :S

Lxthvl menyukai ini
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

If that guy is still starting out 7 months after his post then I guess it would be helpful yeah...

Lookas, Zachoholic dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

I think if we were to add any they should be more generic GTA emotes. Like a character , vehicle or something to that effect. Currently the only really used emote is gtaLove

Now I like to look at those 3 sexy faces as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure the wider GTA audience does :P

Zachoholic, Derpeth, dan Mhmd_FVC menyukai ini
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Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

PogChampGold PogChampGold

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

There are two Beat the Cocks, one requires LV but the one you are using only requires SF

This could be used to avoid driving school to dupe in RTLS, but depends if it's even faster to go there and go through all of LS to grove instead

benang: Gone Home
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

I think another mod could be a good idea, I obviously don't run the game actively (as much as a silly/short run as it is), I also recently added a 2nd mod to the Hearthstone leaderboards that has helped out tremendously as I'm quite busy. You've been actually active here and run other stuff so I guess I can trust you :P

Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

While not a mod/fix, I'd like to put here that disabling your audio devices after launching the game in order to skip all voice lines/other effects is not allowed. This is because you're changing the hardware while the game is running (similar to other banned glitches as the "open disc tray" hardware trickery in PS1 speedruns).

Trying to launch the game with no audio devices enabled causes the game to not start and throw an error, meaning you can't normally setup the hardware in this way before the game launches (and even if it didn't screw playing the whole game with no sound :P).

Seiji, Demonized_Life dan 10 lainnya menyukai ini
Hampshire, EnglandJoshimuz7 years ago

Cities have been added to the GTA Category Extension leaderboards https://www.speedrun.com/gtamemes You can now rejoice. As such this thread is no longer stickied.

Zachoholic dan Trollbear666 menyukai ini
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