Pagero Sub 10 Second Guide
Pagero Sub 10 Second Guide
Diperbarui 6 years ago oleh jakeisgr8t

Pagero's sub 10 sec strategy is overall pretty simple to execute, but the difficulty goes up by just a tiny bit in order to get a sub 10. In order to get a sub 10, you have to spam MG UCs (Machinegun Uppercuts) by holding down on the left d-pad and right + left punch at the same time when your fists start to glow. The thing I do is to prevent him hitting me, I press and hold down then right + left before the fists glow so I can hit him ASAP. Repeat this for three times, then he'll be stunned. As soon as he gets stunned, do 2 uppercuts (I personally prefer left uppercuts). Lastly, just do one more MG UC then he will be done for.

I hope this guide helped all future runners or current ones. See all of you...later!

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