Arcade mode?
6 years ago
United States

Can we get an arcade mode tab?

California, USA

Lets first post a run on the story mode before making an arcade mode since no one has posted one yet.

Victoria, Australia

Mainly sorting things out with everything, just hold your horses everything will be organized soon. Complain at the Discord if you want:

peck324 menyukai ini
New South Wales, Australia

I dont think anyone here is complaining rofl. Think they just wanted clarity. No one likes being kept in the dark. Just saying since ur post sounded a little passive-aggressive.

peck324 menyukai ini
Victoria, Australia

[quote=Shade667]I dont think anyone here is complaining rofl.[/quote] The complain statement I placed was a straight joke and notifying those that a Discord channel exists.

And if someone actually does complain. Then props to them I guess.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
peck324 menyukai ini
California, USA

As for Arcade Speed Run should we put this as the rules:

Arcade - Easy to Very Hard Difficulty 1/2 Rounds Any Time Limit

There is already a timer in the game so RTA is not necessary.

Ontario, Canada

Yes In Game Timers are way better, hate running MKX with its random load times.