Could co op be a category?
5 years ago

The game got a co op beta mode recently for pc, could that be speedrunnable?

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
Illinois, USA

It definitely will be! Though I don't know if anyone has routed a run yet and as far as I'm aware we're waiting for the full release of 1.3 to update with co-op categories.


Yes but please after full release

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

co-op runs will be a thing in the future. Right now it's a Beta-Build and subject to alot of changes. We don't want to remove alot of runs or make the Leaderboard more cluttered with Beta co-op and Coop, so we decided on waiting till official release.

Btw. We also look into submitting and other stuff of Coop so that is another reason why it's not up yet.

United States

is it official now?

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

It already exists.

Statistik Game
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1.6 Leaderboard Updates

Alright folks, it's been a week since 1.6 dropped and it's already been a wild start! So many new mechanics, QoL fixes, and general nonsense. We're going to start lifting the embargo here on 1.6 runs, sometime tonight the options should populate on SRC and you'll be able to select the new version. W

1 month ago
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