New category?
3 years ago

Ok, it's smashdown and you play against a lvl 9 cpu rules: all dlc and all bas game characters must be unlocked max battles 39 mercy rule: on style stock stocks 1 time limit infinity fs meter off cpu lvl 9 stage selection: can be any legal stage, so anyone or random is fine as long as its only legal stages, omega or battlefield forms are also fine items off stage morph/hazards off lanch rate 1.0 underdog boost off pausing, score display and show damage doesnt matter, but pausing does not pause your time, obviously so basically you have to get to 20 wins against the lvl 9 cpu as fast as possible. You can reduce time by not losing and winning more quickly. You can choose any characters but the cpu's characters must be random

sniff, ChipNDip, dan Jaaay menyukai ini

i kinda like it not gonna lie

DemataPyro menyukai ini
United States

The only problem is we can't measure "Legal" stages. Everyone has different opinions on stagelists. May e having only Battlefield/Omega forms works better for this. Being able to choose the CPUs characters would make it more optimizable imo. Instead of just 20 battles in a row against a CPU, which would get boring, picking good matchups would make it a lot more fun to watch.

sniff menyukai ini

this won't be added to these leaderboards though. we can make a spreadsheet for categories like this, if you guys want to.


I would run this! I’m down for someone to set up a spreadsheet for this

Jaaay menyukai ini
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